Estadísticas, Comercio y Precios de las Papas

Potato field
Octubre 09, 2023

Regional Differences in Potato Yields in Germany

In Germany, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has provided a promising assessment of this year's potato harvest despite challenging weather conditions and delayed planting.
PotatoEurope 2022: Focus on direct farm sales
Agosto 09, 2022

PotatoEurope 2022: Focus on direct farm sales

PotatoEurope 2022 will be taking place on 7 and 8 September 2022 at the Rittergut Bockerode estate in Springe-Mittelrode near Hanover, Germany.
Por fin han llegado las esperadas subidas de precios para los productores de patata
Febrero 09, 2022

Alemania: Por fin han llegado las esperadas subidas de precios para los productores de patata

Christian Fockenberg, uno de los dos directores generales de T. Stadtmann & Co, con sede en Bottrop, al describir la situación actual del mercado.
Robert Koch, mayorista de patatas
Abril 26, 2021

Robert Koch, mayorista de patatas: 'La regionalidad es un factor importante en la decisión de compra de los consumidores alemanes'

Si bien el mercado de las patatas industriales se paralizó en gran medida durante la pandemia de coronavirus, el mercado de la patata de mesa en la región alemana de Baviera está en auge.
Lively demand for Cypriot early potatoes in Germany
Abril 15, 2020

Lively demand for Cypriot early potatoes in Germany

The sunny weather and the early start of the domestic asparagus season are particularly advantageous for potato imports. We are now hoping for a successful continuation of the campaign after Easter.
German potato prices set to spike due to drought
Agosto 19, 2019

German potato prices set to spike due to drought

Two summers in a row of drought are causing Germany’s potato supply to dwindle - and prices to rise.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Not enough potatoes in Germany: extreme drought impacts supply Emsland Group
Agosto 31, 2018

Not enough potatoes in Germany: extreme drought impacts supply Emsland Group

The Emsland Group, a potato processor with seven production plants throughout Germany, explains the supply challenges they are faced with as a result of the extreme drought in Germany and other parts of Europe.
German Potato Processing Industry Association expects crop shortage due to drought
Julio 27, 2018

German Potato Processing Industry Association expects crop shortage due to drought

The German Association of Fruit, Vegetables and Potato Processing Industry (BOGK) expects that the potato harvest in Germany and Europe will be significantly reduced in quantity, as well as quality compared to the previous year due to the long ongoing drought and heat wave.
Two German Potato Packers fined ‎€13.2 million for price fixing
Mayo 06, 2018

Two German Potato Packers fined ‎€13.2 million for price fixing

Two potato packaging companies in Germany have been fined a total of ‎€ 13.2 million (USD 15.8 million) for price fixing related to their supplies to the Metro Supermarket group.
GB Potatoes at Fruit Logistica 2016
Enero 17, 2016

GB Potatoes at Fruit Logistica 2016

Over three days in February 2016 at Berlin’s Messe, the worldwide fresh produce industry will be able to meet leading potato and horticulture organisations on the large Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) stand.
Impression Europatat Congress 2014: Joeri Van Den Berghe showing how to succesfully brand to the young generations
Febrero 02, 2015

Europatat Congress 2015: “Potato Market - A creative approach

Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, and DKHV, the German Potato Trading Association (Deutscher Kartoffelhandelsverband), are pleased to announce the dates for the annual Europatat Congress, that this year will take place in Düsseldorf (Germany) from 7 to 9 May 2015.
Marzo 16, 2012

Duitsland: Omzet aardappelverwerking flink gestegen

De omzet van aardappelverwerkingsbedrijven in Duitsland is het afgelopen jaar opnieuw flink gestegen, namelijk met 8,4%. De aardappelen waren in de tweede helft van het jaar voordelig beschikbaar. Deze omzetstijging zal in de cijfers over de aardappel...
Contenido Patrocinado

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Diciembre 12, 2011

Duitse aardappeloogst slechts deels verkoopbaar

Volgens actuele schattingen zijn er dit jaar in Duitsland zo’n 11,9 miljoen ton aardappels gerooid van een totaal aardappelareaal van 259.400 hectare.


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