Papas en el Menudeo

Junio 19, 2022

Menos patatas nuevas, pero mayores ventas de patatas de almacenamiento en Europa

Al comienzo de la temporada de las patatas nuevas, la Asociación de Productores de Patatas del Palatinado invitó a Christoph Hambloch, director general de la Federación Alemana de Asociaciones de Productores de Patata y desde hace dos décadas analista de mercado para el sector de la patata de la consultora alemana AMI.
Inicio temprano de la cosecha de patatas con buenas cantidades y calidades en Alemania.
Junio 08, 2022

Inicio temprano de la cosecha de patatas con buenas cantidades y calidades en Alemania

La cosecha de patatas nuevas comienza relativamente pronto este año en muchas zonas de cultivo de Alemania. Las patatas tempranas se plantaron a mediados de febrero.
New brand identity for Fruit Logistica and Asia fruit Logistica
Mayo 19, 2022

New brand identity for Fruit Logistica and Asia Fruit Logistica

The leading trade shows for the global fresh produce business and for Asia’s fresh produce business are presenting a modern new logo and introducing a joint corporate design in 2022.
Por fin han llegado las esperadas subidas de precios para los productores de patata
Febrero 09, 2022

Alemania: Por fin han llegado las esperadas subidas de precios para los productores de patata

Christian Fockenberg, uno de los dos directores generales de T. Stadtmann & Co, con sede en Bottrop, al describir la situación actual del mercado.
Robert Koch, mayorista de patatas
Abril 26, 2021

Robert Koch, mayorista de patatas: 'La regionalidad es un factor importante en la decisión de compra de los consumidores alemanes'

Si bien el mercado de las patatas industriales se paralizó en gran medida durante la pandemia de coronavirus, el mercado de la patata de mesa en la región alemana de Baviera está en auge.
Online potato shop An-Ja (Germany) helps consumers find the right potato
Febrero 04, 2021

Online potato shop An-Ja (Germany) helps consumers find the right potato

According to the two potato experts Andreas Heitsch and Jan Mennerich of the new online platform An-Ja, the key to success lies in differentiating potatoes. With their sophisticated 'potato finder', they enable consumers to easily and conveniently find exactly the right tuber for every dish.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Lively demand for Cypriot early potatoes in Germany
Abril 15, 2020

Lively demand for Cypriot early potatoes in Germany

The sunny weather and the early start of the domestic asparagus season are particularly advantageous for potato imports. We are now hoping for a successful continuation of the campaign after Easter.
Alemania: Día de la Patata Temprana 2019
Junio 19, 2019

Alemania: Día de la Patata Temprana 2019

El pasado 6 de junio de 2019 tuvo lugar la cita anual del Día de la Patata Temprana en la empresa Maurer Parat en la localidad de Dirmstein, en la región alemana del Palatinado.
De Aardappelhoeve introduces a convenience potato product targeting a younger generation
Febrero 15, 2019

De Aardappelhoeve introduces a convenience potato product targeting a younger generation

The Belgian potato company De Aardappelhoeve has introduced a new convenience concept during last week's Fruit Logistica. The potato product is targeting a younger generation.
Two German Potato Packers fined ‎€13.2 million for price fixing
Mayo 06, 2018

Two German Potato Packers fined ‎€13.2 million for price fixing

Two potato packaging companies in Germany have been fined a total of ‎€ 13.2 million (USD 15.8 million) for price fixing related to their supplies to the Metro Supermarket group.
14th International Berlin Potato Evening
Febrero 21, 2018

14th International Berlin Potato Evening

On February 6, the German Potato Trade Association DKHV welcomed around 500 guests from 16 countries to the traditional International Berlin Potato Evening.
BayPack Obst offers unique packaging for potatoes
Enero 31, 2017

BayPack Obst offers unique packaging for potatoes

In the search for unique, customer- and environmentally friendly packaging, German packaging company BayPack Obst, developed a new display box suitable for the sale and storage of potatoes.
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Satisfactory end of the early potato season for Lower Saxony, Germany
Agosto 28, 2016

Satisfactory end of the early potato season for Lower Saxony, Germany

The 2016 early potato season ended on the 10th of August. And according to the Lower Saxony Potato Producers Association the early potato harvest was satisfactory.
First German new potatoes harvested in Pfalz region
Junio 15, 2016

First German new potatoes harvested in Pfalz region

In the German Pfalz region, farmers officially kicked off the harvest of the first German new potatoes. A former soccer player on the national team, Hans-Peter Briegel, was named Pfalz potato ambassador for the season 2016/17.
VLAM at Fruit Logistica
Febrero 03, 2016

VLAM at Fruit Logistica

25 suppliers of Belgian potatoes, fruits, vegetables and fruit trees welcome you in Berlin at the VLAM booth at Fruit Logistica.
Colourful Perupas of potato company HZPC nominated for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2016
Enero 18, 2016

Colourful Perupas of potato company HZPC nominated for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award

HZPC proudly announces the nomination of their potato concept WOW! Colourful Perupas® for the Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2016.
Marzo 11, 2012

Eerste aardappelen in de grond in Duitsland

In Duitsland zijn de eerste vroege aardappelen geplant. In de Pfalz, traditioneel het vroegste teeltgebied van Noord West Europa waar de aardappelen de eerste periode onder plastic worden geteeld, was men al eind februari gestart met de aanplant . Mo...


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