Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Mayo 25, 2022

Las siembras de patata temprana ya han finalizado en Francia y se han iniciado los arranques en algunas zonas

En Francia, el progreso de las cosechas tempranas avanza sin problemas a pesar de las difíciles condiciones por la falta de agua de las últimas semanas, informa la Interprofesional Francesa de la Patata (CNIPT).
Granada, España: Prohíben regar cultivos de patatas con aguas procedentes del río Velillos afectadas por una bacteria en Moclín.
Mayo 25, 2022

Granada, España: Prohíben regar cultivos de patatas con aguas procedentes del río Velillos afectadas por una bacteria en Moclín

La Dirección General de la Producción Agrícola y Ganadera de la Junta ha detectado un brote de bacteria 'Ralstonia solanacearum' en las aguas superficiales del río Velillos, en Moclín, Granada.
Potato farmers from Cyprus will take action if government does not support them
Mayo 24, 2022

Potato farmers from Cyprus will take action if government does not support them

Following the rise in prices that has been at the centre of disputes and protests all over Cyprus in recent weeks, potato farmers said on Thursday they will also take action if the government does not intervene to support them.
Sérgio Margaço, Director de Intersur Portugal.
Mayo 24, 2022

Grupo Intersur crea Intersur Portugal LDA

Grupo Intersur: 'Nuestro proyecto en Portugal nos permitirá desarrollar políticas de producción comunes y de continuidad entre España, Francia y Portugal'
The highest cold store in the Benelux is being built in Tilburg, with space for 42,000 pallets of fries.
Mayo 24, 2022

The highest cold store in the Benelux is being built in Tilburg, with space for 42,000 pallets of fries

It attracts quite a bit of attention, the dizzying weaving of steel, which now rises high above the other business premises on Vossenberg (Tilburg, The Netherlands).
En los últimos días, el valor de la papá empezó a disminuir en Colombia.
Mayo 24, 2022

Colombia: Luego de una tendencia alcista, el Precio de la Papa sorpresivamente comienza a descender

Según reportaron las centrales de abastos, la recuperación de los cultivos ha disminuido el costo de la papa en Colombia; otros alimentos como el limón, el plátano y la arveja también están más baratos.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
El Tour de la papa.
Mayo 24, 2022

Guatemala: 'El Tour de la papa', un emprendimiento de jóvenes mam en Quetzaltenango

Un grupo de jóvenes crearon el 'Tour Chiquirichapa' para promover los atractivos turísticos y el 'Tour de la papa' para que el visitante conozca la producción y su degustación en distintos platillos.
World Potato Congress 2022: Team behind HarvestEye continue to showcase crop insights innovation
Mayo 24, 2022

World Potato Congress 2022: Team behind HarvestEye continue to showcase crop insights innovation

Harvesteye - a machine-learning driven crop insights tool - is heading to the World Potato Congress at the end of May, as it continues to showcase on the global agricultural stage the actionable insights it places in the hands of growers.
Government of Madhya Pradesh is committed to provide certified seed to potato farmers on time, receive license for 'Aeroponic Method for Virus-free Potato Seed Production'
Mayo 22, 2022

Government of Madhya Pradesh committed to provide certified seed to potato farmers

Agrinnovate India Ltd., the commercial wing of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi granted the License to the Department of Horticulture & Food Processing, Government of Madhya Pradesh
Nomination Jean-Pierre Bienfait as member of Supervisory Board
Mayo 21, 2022

Jean-Pierre Bienfait nominated as member of HZPC's Supervisory Board

During the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of HZPC Holding B.V. Jean-Pierre Bienfait was appointed as new member of the Supervisory Board. Jean-Pierre fills the vacancy of Meerten Ubbens.
Australian potato company Zerella Fresh focused on consistent potato quality and high throughput
Mayo 21, 2022

Australian potato company Zerella Fresh focused on consistent potato quality and high throughput

Zerella Fresh was founded in 1936 (Virginia, South of Australia) and is since 2009 a part of the Pye Group family. Zerella is committed to being Australia’s leading supplier and marketer of fresh produce.
Market Analysis: The impact of Russias war on the potato industry of Ukraine
Mayo 21, 2022

Market Analysis: The impact of Russias war on the potato industry of Ukraine

February 24, 2022 was a turning point for both Ukraine and the rest of the world, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine has undoubtedly turned the normal world order on its head.
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South Africa Potato Production Receives Added Protection with New Generation Fungicide of Corteva Agroscience

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1,000 delegates to attend World Potato Congress in Ireland.
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1,000 delegates to attend World Potato Congress in Ireland

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Patatas Meléndez da el pistoletazo de salida a la campaña de Patata Nueva en Andalucía y Murcia

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HZPC: Las nuevas generaciones de variedades de patata prometen una mayor seguridad alimentaria

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