Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Sembradores de papa en Bolivia
Noviembre 21, 2022

Bolivia: Suspenden siembra de papa por falta de lluvias

En las comunidades del Distrito 13 de El Alto, suspenden la siembra de papa por falta de lluvias. No hay agua dicen los campesinos y reportan que la sequía comienza a sentirse y va afectando a la producción agropecuaria y ganadera de la zona.
Tapio y Pia Knuuttila, de Skabam y la marca FREX
Noviembre 21, 2022

FREX: Una patata finlandesa que ha vuelto a sus raíces

Incluso el sabor de una sabrosa variedad de patata viene determinado en gran medida por el hecho de dar a la planta la cantidad adecuada de agua y nutrientes. Tapio Knuuttila, copropietario de Skabam, en Finlandia, decidió ver cómo sabrían las patatas si se devolviera su cultivo a sus raíces.
Productores de papa en Intibucá
Noviembre 20, 2022

La Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG) de Honduras entrega bonos a productores de papa en forma de fertilizante

La Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG) entregó alrededor de 1,000 bonos a productores de papa en el departamento de Intibucá, occidente de Honduras.La ayuda consiste en cinco quintales de fórmula fertilizante 12-21-12, para cada productor.
The Pye Group opens largest potato packing facility of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere
Noviembre 20, 2022

The Pye Group opens largest potato packing facility of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere

Australian potato supplier, the Pye Group will, officially opened the largest potato packing facility of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere on Tuesday.
7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range
Noviembre 19, 2022

In the Netherlands, 7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range

In the Netherlands, 31 parties in the table potato chain sign a covenant in which they commit to switch completely to organic robust potato varieties, including 7 supermarkets.
New bill would allow P.E.I. to limit what crops can be grown in potato wart index fields
Noviembre 18, 2022

New bill would allow PEI government to limit what crops can be grown in potato wart index fields

The minister of agriculture of Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada has tabled legislation that would give the provincial government a lead role in trying to prevent the spread of potato wart in the province.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Tong demonstrates a new vision for labour efficiencies at LAMMA 2023
Noviembre 17, 2022

Tong demonstrates a new vision for labour efficiencies at LAMMA 2023

Tong Engineering is set to demonstrate its latest handling equipment advances that focus on overcoming
post-harvest labour challenges, at the UK’s largest agricultural machinery show, LAMMA in January.
Japan’s newest potato chip flavor: Convenience store fried chicken.
Noviembre 17, 2022

Japan’s newest potato chip flavor: Convenience store fried chicken

There are all sorts of ways Japanese convenience stores earn the "convenient" part of their name. They’ve got branches all over, for example, so you’re hardly ever more than a short walk away from one.
Maxime Dumont, cofounder of Picketa systems, Analyzing Nutrient Concentration in potato plantsUsing LENS™
Noviembre 16, 2022

LENS™ fertilizer management tool offers real time insight in 13 nutrients in potato plants

Ag start-up Picketa Systems announces the release of their Leaf Evaluated-Nutrient System, LENS™. The LENS™ fertilizer management tool offers real time insight in 13 nutrients in potato plants.
Princess Amandine
Noviembre 15, 2022

Princesa Amandine se apoya en Paradores de Turismo para promocionar el turismo local

Princesa Amandine une su marca a la de Paradores de Turismo para que los consumidores de esta patata puedan disfrutar de las 10.000 plazas que ofrecen los 97 establecimientos de esta red líder de turismo cultural.
Meet AVR at Interpom 2022 on 27-29 November
Noviembre 15, 2022

Meet AVR at Interpom 2022, November 27-29 in Kortrijk, Belgium

The Interpom potato industry trade fair in Belgium is coming up! At the stand of harvester manufacturer AVR you can discover their latest updates: a new Clean & Go bunker and a special edition of their MultiForce
Hot Potato! AAFC research into heat-tolerant potato genes builds on award-winning study
Noviembre 15, 2022

Hot Potato! Canadian research into heat-tolerant potato genes builds on award-winning study

In the classic children’s game, nobody wants to be the one left holding the 'hot potato'. This also rings true for farmers, as rising global temperatures are bringing new meaning to the term.
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Too parched for potatoes if irrigation is not available.
Noviembre 15, 2022

United Kingdom: Too parched for potatoes if irrigation is not available?

After two dry years out of four, many farmers are seriously considering the future viability of a water hungry crop like potatoes. An exceptionally dry summer for much of the UK this year came on the back of a dry growing season in 2018.
Agrico presented nine new varieties at the variety show
Noviembre 13, 2022

Agrico presents nine new potato varieties at its variety show

On 10 and 11 November, Agrico held its annual variety and seedling show at Agrico Research in Bant. During the show no fewer than nine new varieties were presented.
Dewulf brings a range of agricultural equipment to potato trade show Interpom 2022
Noviembre 13, 2022

Dewulf brings a range of agricultural equipment to potato trade show Interpom 2022

Interpom 2022 is just around the corner, and it wouldn't be complete without such an established name in the potato sector as Dewulf.
Centers of Excellence for Rooted Apical Cuttings: Plugging the gap in quality seed production to boost rural livelihoods and food security in Asia and Africa
Noviembre 13, 2022

Rooted Apical Cuttings: Plugging the gap in quality seed potato production to boost food security in Asia and Africa

A capacity-building initiative that started in Kenya to fill gaps in the supply of high-quality early generation seed (EGS) is now spreading across Asia and many African countries
Updates on the Austrian potato variety trials (Nov 2022)
Noviembre 05, 2022

Update on ADAPT potato variety trials in Austria (Nov 2022)

The ADAPT project aims at developing new strategies to make potatoes fit for the challenging growth conditions of the future. Within this project, potato varieties trials are conducted in Austria.
PepsiCo Announces Second Round of Projects Funded by Its Global Agriculture Accelerator, The Positive Agriculture Outcomes Fund
Noviembre 05, 2022

PepsiCo funds another 14 projects as part of its Global Agriculture Accelerator, The Positive Agriculture Outcomes Fund

PepsiCo granted 14 business projects funding as part of its global agriculture accelerator, the Positive Agriculture Outcomes (PAO) Fund. The funded projects focus on the key challenges in agriculture today.


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