Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Not enough support for European ban on potato sprout inhibitor Chlorpropham (CIPC)
Febrero 25, 2019

Not enough support for European ban on potato sprout inhibitor Chlorpropham (CIPC)

Last Friday, the European Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed, mostly referred to as ScoPAFF voted an a proposal to ban Chlorpropham (or CIPC), widely used in the potato industry as sprout inhibitor during potato storage.
Wilcox Fresh welcomes new Justin Reynolds as new CEO
Febrero 20, 2019

Potato company Wilcox Fresh welcomes Justin Reynolds as its new CEO

Potato grower and packer Wilcox Fresh has appointed Justin Reynolds as the company’s new CEO.
Asociación de productores comercializa mas de mil ton de papa
Febrero 19, 2019

Asociación de productores comercializa mas de mil ton de papa

17 familias del municipio colombiano de Toca han logrado distribuir más de 1.300 toneladas de papa, aumentando sus ingresos en un 35%. Y todo gracias a la creación y consolidación de la Asociación Agrícola de Toca, implementada por Reconciliación Colombia
Belgapom brings James Bint and Belgian Fries to Mexico, a growing export market
Febrero 19, 2019

Belgapom brings James Bint and Belgian Fries to Mexico, a growing export market

As the export of frozen Belgian Fries to Mexico skyrockets, Belgapom took the ambassador of Belgian Fries - James Bint - on a recent economic mission to this growing export market
Despite potato shortage in Kenya, Nyandarua County potato farmers hardly benefit
Febrero 18, 2019

Despite potato shortage in Kenya, Nyandarua County potato farmers hardly benefit

An acute shortage of potatoes has hit Nyandarua County, a top producer of potatoes in Kenya and in fact, the entire country is suffering from a shortage.
Black Gold Farms appoints Kerwin Bradley as Chief Production Officer
Febrero 18, 2019

Black Gold Farms appoints Kerwin Bradley as Chief Production Officer

Black Gold Farms recently announced that Kerwin Bradley has joined the organization as the Chief Production Officer (CPO). As CPO, Kerwin will support all aspects of crop production and sit on the executive team.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Potato cooperative Agrico inaugurates Quality Center
Febrero 18, 2019

Potato cooperative Agrico inaugurates Quality Center

Last Friday, potato cooperative Agrico celebrated the official opening of its new quality centre. The centre was built last year behind the company's head office in Emmeloord.
Cómo combatir las 200 enfermedades causadas por alimentos nocivos
Febrero 15, 2019

Cómo combatir las 200 enfermedades causadas por alimentos nocivos

La inocuidad alimentaria se perfila como un desafío internacional para evitar 420.000 muertes y 600 millones de casos de enfermedades al año en el mundo.
De Aardappelhoeve introduces a convenience potato product targeting a younger generation
Febrero 15, 2019

De Aardappelhoeve introduces a convenience potato product targeting a younger generation

The Belgian potato company De Aardappelhoeve has introduced a new convenience concept during last week's Fruit Logistica. The potato product is targeting a younger generation.
Mukunda Ranjit recognized as the scientist who saved the potato for Nepal
Febrero 14, 2019

Mukunda Ranjit recognized as the scientist who saved the potato for Nepal

In Nepal, Mukunda Ranjit is recognized by the Kantipur Foundation as Kantipur Icon 2018 in the category Science and Technology for his work to make potatoes virus-free, pioneering this initiative in South Asia.
Netherlands to provide around 1mn Euros for potato impact cluster in Bangladesh
Febrero 12, 2019

Netherlands to provide around 1 million Euros for potato impact cluster in Bangladesh

The government of the Netherlands and Dutch businesses have inked an agreement to undertake a “potato impact cluster” project in Bangladesh.
Madhya Pradesh Poor supply of potato increases production cost of chips
Febrero 12, 2019

Poor supply of potatoes in Madhya Pradesh increases production cost of chips

Poor supply of potato in Madhya Pradesh in spot market and higher prices have escalated cost of production of chips manufacturers by over 10 per cent. The rise is likely to make packaged chips more expensive.
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Dewulf unveils very first mounted 3-row belt potato planter at SIMA 2019
Febrero 12, 2019

Dewulf unveils very first mounted 3-row belt potato planter at SIMA 2019

Dewulf, a manufacturer of agricultural machines for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, will present the mounted variant of the Structural 30 3-row potato planter for the first time at SIMA ’19.
Arrancó la "revolución" de la papa en China
Febrero 11, 2019

Arrancó la 'revolución' de la papa en China

Su producción de papa es ahora 20 veces la de Canadá. Así lo afirma Peter van der Zaag, de Sunrise Potato (Ontario), orador principal del Manitoba Potato Days, evento realizado a finales de enero en Brandon, Manitoba.
Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association elects new boards
Febrero 11, 2019

Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association elects new boards

The Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA) selects new boards.
¿Te animarías a hacer un pan con papa?
Febrero 10, 2019

¿Te animarías a hacer un pan con papa?

[Sandra Casas Cano] Bueno, sé que suena raro poner papa en una preparación que no sea de comida, pero quienes hayan probado los rollos de canela saben lo ricos que son, y su masa también tiene papa! (Receta).
Febrero 09, 2019

El 'Centro Internacional de la Patata y el Día Honorífico del Perú Unificado', evento temático celebrado en la exposición hortícola de Beijing

La gente visita el jardín del Centro Internacional de la Patata durante el evento temático "International Potato Center and Peru Joint Honorary Day", celebrado como parte de la Exposición Internacional de Horticultura de Beijing en el distrito de Yanqing en Beijing.
Febrero 09, 2019

La nueva variedad de patata alemana 'Lea' es adecuada tanto para la agricultura orgánica como la convencional

La obtentora y proveedora de semillas Solana GmbH & Co. KG aprovechará las próximas ferias de patata para presentar un total de tres variedades de patatas de mesa nuevas.


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