Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Russet Burbank (Courtesy Idaho Potato Commission)
Febrero 08, 2015

Large and growing price gap between small and large Russets in Idaho

Idaho is currently confronted with the unusual situation that large Russet potatoes are far more expensive than small Russets and the price gap is only increasing.
Pine forests such as this one south of Park Rapids, Minn., have been cleared for potato fields.
Febrero 08, 2015

Pines to potatoes conversion in central Minnesota put on hold

Alarmed by rapid deforestation in an ecologically sensitive swath of central Minnesota, state regulators have ordered a broad environmental review that will temporarily halt conversion of the region’s jackpine stands to potato fields.
National Potato Council applauds new IOM recommendation on white potatoes
Febrero 03, 2015

National Potato Council applauds new IOM recommendation on white potatoes

Today, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report recommending fresh white potatoes to be an eligible vegetable for purchase using the WIC Cash Value Voucher. This is a reversal compared to previous IOM recommendations
Ron Norman
Febrero 03, 2015

Ron Norman to Receive NPPGA's Meritorious Service Award

The Northern Plains Potato Growers Association will honor Ron Norman with its Meritorious Service Award at their banquet on February 17th.
Erik Wenninger
Enero 31, 2015

Potato Psyllids in Pacific Northwest declining

Levels of zebra chip, a crop disease in potatoes spread by potato psyllids and caused by the Liberibacter bacterium, were down signficiantly in the Pacific Northwest.
Expert: Idaho potato industry has too much capacity
Enero 28, 2015

Expert: Idaho potato industry has too much capacity

A former Potato Growers of Idaho executive director believes Idaho’s capacity to produce and pack potatoes has outgrown the market, at the expense of growers.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
New infested acreage has been added to Idaho's pale cyst nematode program.
Enero 25, 2015

New infested acreage has been added to Idaho's pale cyst nematode program.

Officials with Idaho’s pale cyst nematode eradication program say they’ve discovered three more infested fields totaling 994 acres since October, including two fields that had previously been deregulated from the program.
Impression of one of the many POTATO EXPO 2015 receptions
Enero 20, 2015

Potato Expo 2015 over... time to start planning for Potato Expo 2016

POTATO EXPO 2015, held January 7-9, in Orlando, Florida, turned out to be the greatest event
yet for exhibitors and attendees.
NPC 2014 President Randy Hardy hands the award to Brendon Rockey and Sheldon Rockey with wife Nicole.
Enero 20, 2015

Rockey Farm (Colorado) receives the NPC 2014 Environmental Stewardship Award

Brendon and Sheldon Rockey of Rockey Farms in Center, Colorado, were named the recipients of the prestigious 2014 Environmental Stewardship Award presented at the National Potato Council’s 2015 Annual Meeting.
Dan Lake
Enero 15, 2015

US Potato Growers select 2015 National Potato Council leadership

At the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2015 Annual Meeting, held January 9-10, 2015, in Orlando, Florida, Dan Lake from Lake Seed, Inc. of Ronan, Montana, was elected to serve as NPC’s president for 2015 and to lead the council’s Executive Committee.
La resistencia al Tizón Tardío como herramienta de control en los países en desarrollo
Enero 14, 2015

La resistencia al Tizón Tardío como herramienta de control en los países en desarrollo

El tizón tardío de la papa puede ser controlado con varias estrategias, incluyendo la resistencia del huesped. Desafortunadamente, los esfuerzos hasta la fecha para utilizarla han llevado a un éxito limitado. Este es el tema principal del artículo escrito por G. A. Forbes; M. Huarte para la Revista Latinoamericana de la Papa, Volumen 18 (2), 2014.
Ryan Holterhoff
Enero 05, 2015

Washington-Oregon Potato Conference: a regionally popular, prominent event

Once again, the Washington State Potato Commission and Oregon Potato Commission have joined forces in the planning and execution of the 2015 Washington/Oregon Potato Conference, Jan. 27-29.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Fire Destroys Potato Storage buildings of Norman Crooks Farms
Enero 04, 2015

Fire Destroys Potato Storage buildings of Norman Crooks Farms

Nearly 20 fire departments responded to flames at a Montcalm County potato farm (Michigan) Wednesday, but none of the potato storage buildings, housing farm equipment and millions of potatoes, could be saved
West Coast Labor Dispute is Hurting Idaho Potato Industry
Diciembre 23, 2014

West Coast Labor Dispute is Hurting Idaho Potato Industry

Port disruptions on the West Coast due to labor contract negotiations between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) are hurting Idaho agriculture and Idaho’s exporters.
Bulk potato storage United States (Courtesy IVI)
Diciembre 15, 2014

Major US Potato States held 263 million cwt in stock per December 1, 2014

The 13 major US potato States held 263 million cwt of potatoes in storage December 1, 2014, down 3 percent from 2 years
United States Potato Board receives 5 million for the promotion of US Potatoes around the world
Diciembre 14, 2014

United States Potato Board receives 5 million for the promotion of US Potatoes around the world

The United States Potato Board (USPB) received an allocation of $4,998,892 in program year 2015 Market Access Program (MAP) funds from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) at USDA. These funds will be used by the USPB to promote frozen, dehydrated, chip-stock, table-stock and seed potatoes in over 25 countries around the world.
EEUU: Consideran subsidiar papas para madres pobres
Diciembre 11, 2014

EEUU: Consideran subsidiar papas para madres pobres

Si es aprobado por el por el Congreso, las mujeres de bajos ingresos en Estados Unidos podrán por primera vez pagar por papas con vales subsidiados por el gobierno emitidos por el programa de nutrición infantil Mujeres, Bebés y Niños (WIC).
White potatoes: includes colored regular potatoes too!
Diciembre 10, 2014

US Potato growers score with spending bill provision

Count the potato among the special interests rewarded in the massive spending deal Congress unveiled this week.


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