Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Mayo 13, 2011

Nederland kan niets doen voor gevangen aardappelboer

De 44-jarige Nederlands-Canadese boer Henk Tepper zit al bijna twee maanden onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden in een Libanese cel.
Mayo 10, 2011

Potato Shipment to Algeria triggers multiple lawsuits

A shipment of potatoes that landed a New Brunswick potato farmer behind bars in Lebanon has launched a complicated legal action involving three Canadian provinces.
 Gary Linkletter
Abril 25, 2011

Chairman PEI Potato Board expects potato acreage to drop

Gary Linkletter, Chairman of the Prince Edward Island Potato Board said Thursday he expects potato acreage will drop somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 acres this year.
 McCain Foods
Abril 20, 2011

McCain contract approved by PEI potato growers

Prince Edward Island potato farmers growing for McCain Foods voted in favour Tuesday night of the latest contract offer from the company.
 Cavendish Farms
Abril 13, 2011

Cavendish Farms and PEI potato growers reach deal

Prince Edward Island potato farmers who grow for Cavendish Farms voted Tuesday night in favour of a new deal with the company. Greg Donald, general manager of the P.E.I. Potato Board, wouldn't provide any details of the contract because negotiations ar...
Abril 07, 2011

Detained New Brunswick farmer had been developing market in Lebanon

There is still no word on why Henk Tepper of New Brunswick is in custody in Lebanon.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Marzo 27, 2011

Gobierno de Canadá apoya la investigación sobre el nematodo del quiste de la papa

No es que los productores de papa del Canadá sufran de la presencia generalizada del nematodo del quiste de la papa (NQP). De hecho, a diferencia de Europa, los brotes en América del Norte son pocos y distantes entre sí. Distribución del nematodo del q...
Potato infested by Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN)
Marzo 27, 2011

Canadian government supports potato cyst nematode research

It's not that Canadian potato growers suffer from widespread presence of the Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN). In fact, unlike in Europe, outbreaks in North America are few and far between.
 Functional Technologies Corp
Marzo 15, 2011

Project to reduce acrylamide with yeast technology (Acryleast) supported by Canadian Government

Functional Technologies Corp. (TSX-V: FEB) is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, Phyterra Yeast Inc., has been awarded $2.5 million from the Government of Canada's Atlantic Innovation Fund
 Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC)
Marzo 13, 2011

Canadian Potatoes receive marketing support from Government of Canada

The Government of Canada is helping the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) peel open new international markets for our top-quality spuds. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced an investment of $743,000 to help the CHC increase exports and improv...
Marzo 01, 2011

Potato Industry Prince Edward Island wants more local research

Despite Prince Edward Island's position as Canada's top potato producer, the P.E.I. Potato Board says there needs to be more local research to help the industry.
Febrero 17, 2011

Creamers - Golf ball-sized potatoes are big hit in stores, restaurants

Small potatoes aren't small potatoes anymore, at least when it comes to marketing delicious spuds.
Contenido Patrocinado

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 Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Febrero 17, 2011

No Potato Cyst Nematodes found in Canada in 2010 CFIA survey

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has completed all potato cyst nematode (PCN) soil sampling and testing of the 2010 seed potato crop and PCN was not detected.
Febrero 08, 2011

PEI potato producers encouraged to attend potato conference

The 2011 Prince Edward Island potato conference and trade show is an ideal opportunity for producers to discuss new research and development in the industry, says Agriculture Minister George Webster.
Febrero 03, 2011

BC Farmers face uncertainty about reimbursement for washed-out crops

Fall rains devastated potato and vegetable crops across the Fraser Valley, BC and now producers face uncertainty about how much the government is going to help them.
Enero 22, 2011

Canadian Potato Production 2010 down 4% (Statistics Canada update)

Canada's potato production continued its downward slide in 2010, but Prince Edward Island's acreage showed a slight increase last year, data from Statistics Canada reveals.
 Ontario Potato Board
Enero 21, 2011

Ontario’s potato growers buck national trend for 2010

Ontario bucked the national trend of a decline in potato production last year and saw an increase in the amount produced over the previous year.
Enero 12, 2011

Prince Edward Island exports potatoes to Venezuela, Russia

There's an increase in the amount of Prince Edward Island potatoes being exported this year.


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