Cadena de Suministro de Papas

 Washington Oregon Potato Conference
Enero 18, 2012

Washington-Oregon Potato conference keynote focuses on nutrition

The nutritional value of potatoes will take center stage during the upcoming Washington-Oregon Potato Conference.
Enero 18, 2012

Researcher says zebra chip not likely to spread through seed

A potato disease that arrived late this summer in the Pacific Northwest called zebra chip likely can't be spread by planting infected seed, new research suggests.
Enero 17, 2012

Grower turned inventor focuses on affordability with potato sorter

Few people know better than Greg Jones how important it is to sort and grade potatoes accurately and quickly.
Enero 16, 2012

Potatoes: The misunderstood vegetable

An image problem continues to trouble all sectors of the spud industry, according to the Alliance for Potato Research and Education
 Potato Expo 2012
Enero 16, 2012

Sustainability: It's the right thing to do

They all had slightly different ways of expressing it, but when panelists at the Potato Expo 2012 discussed sustainability, their message came down to three words known as the triple bottom line: people, planet, profit.
 Anton Haverkort
Enero 15, 2012

'Areaal aardappelen in de wereld zal in 2040 circa 40% groter zijn'

De aardappel zal binnen enkele decennia tarwe als tweede akkerbouwgewas in de wereld verdringen. Dat is de overtuiging van onderzoeker Anton Haverkort van Plant Research International van Wageningen UR.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 A J Bussan speaking on acrylamide at the Potato Expo 2012
Enero 15, 2012

US Potato industry focusing on acrylamide

The potato industry is behind a unified effort to learn more about acrylamide - which was discovered in food about ten years ago.
Enero 15, 2012

US: Acres in potato production increase in Pacific Northwest

Officials associated with the potato industry in the Pacific Northwest have indicated that acreage planted to potatoes in Oregon and Washington increased this season.
Enero 09, 2012

Nuevo sitio web dedicado al manejo del virus Y de la papa (PVY) en la producción de semilla

El Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA, por sus siglas en inglés), en colaboración con tres universidades más, ha lanzado recientemente un sitio web para difundir información relacionada con el virus Y (PVY) de la papa. Este sitio s...
Enero 09, 2012

New website provide information on Potato Virus Y

The USDA, in cooperation with three major universities, recently launched a web site to disseminate information related to Potato Virus Y. This information will prove useful to all groups of people who need information about PVY, from potato growers, to scientists, to people working within the potato industry, to consumers of potatoes and potato products.
Enero 09, 2012

Minnesota spud grower recognized for industry leadership in 2011

A Minnesota seed potato grower and immediate past president of the National Potato Council was recognized Saturday for his strong leadership during 2011
Enero 06, 2012

USPB's smartphone app caters to growers

Technology was evident in virtually every booth at the Potato Expo 2012, and the U.S. Potato Board’s booth was no exception.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Enero 06, 2012

United Potato’s bright start shines less brightly

A late December report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture has added another perspective on the current drama surrounding the Salt Lake City-based United Potato Growers of America.
Enero 05, 2012

Potato Expo 2012 the largest gathering of the potato industry in North America

This week, nearly 1,500 attendees from a dozen countries have traveled to Orlando, Florida, to share the latest in agriculture information and innovations. But this event is more than just numbers;it's about the bottom line. POTATO EXPO offers attend...
 Potato psyllid
Diciembre 21, 2011

Zebra chip nearly destroys US potato business

Zebra chip disease nearly destroyed a large USA potato growing business, its owner and chief executive told the Cambridge University Potato Growers Research Association conference earlier this month.
Diciembre 21, 2011

US Potato Board conducts cut-seed trials overseas

This was the first year the U.S. Potato Board conducted cut-seed potato trials overseas.
Diciembre 21, 2011

Canadian spud farmer stuck in Lebanese jail for Christmas

Two senators who recently visited a New Brunswick man held in a Lebanese prison since March say his health is quickly deteriorating and could only get worse.
 Agrow simply season and steam petite red potatoes
Diciembre 20, 2011

Steam bag lets consumers give potatoes a 'home-made' taste

M&Q Packaging Corporation working closely with customer Agrow Fresh Produce Company of Chicago, IL has provided its MQ36 dual-ovenable steam bag as a key component in Agrow Fresh’s “Simply Season & Steam” fresh petite red potatoes.


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