Cadena de Suministro de Papas

 Obama firma la orden ejecutiva
Febrero 09, 2010

Obama se compromete a luchar contra la obesidad infantil en Estados Unidos

El presidente de EE.UU., Barack Obama, firmó hoy una orden ejecutiva para combatir la obesidad infantil como parte de los esfuerzos de la primera dama para promover el ejercicio y una buena alimentación entre los más pequeños. Obama, acompañado de su ...
Febrero 08, 2010

McDonald’s officials visit PVMI to talk about new potato varieties for French Fries.

McDonald’s officials are meeting with the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI) to talk about potential new varieties of potatoes for French Fries. Jeanne Debons, executive director of the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI), is meeting M...
 United States Potato Board
Febrero 08, 2010

United States Potato Board reaching out to 'Linda' online.

Interview with Meredith Myers (USPB) and Brittany Mohr (Fleishman-Hillard): Linda is not a real person but she is the most desired person in the marketing world according to Meredith Myers, Public Relations Manager for the United States Potato Board....
Febrero 08, 2010

First french fry contract settled in the US

Columbia Basin growers ratified a 2010 contract with Lamb-Weston last week. The editor of North American Potato Market News, Bruce Huffaker, reported that this was to be the second year of a two-year contract, which was indexed for production costs. Th...
Febrero 08, 2010

U.S., Mexico closer to resolving trucking dispute

In March 2009, U.S. lawmakers canceled funding for a test program begun by the Bush administration that allowed Mexican long-haul trucks to circulate in the United States, citing safety and security concerns.The truck ban prompted Mexico to slap retali...
Febrero 05, 2010

Grotere vooraad aardappelen in de Verenigde Staten

De voorraad aardappelen in de Verengde Staten van oogstjaar 2009 per 1 februari 2010 ligt volgens cijfers van het NAPMN (North American Potato Market News) maar liefst 12% hoger dan vorig seizoen rond dezelfde tijd. Totaal zou de actuele voorraad nu ui...
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 NPD Group
Febrero 04, 2010

United States Restaurant Counts slip 0.3%

In a year when the restaurant industry experienced its steepest traffic declines in three decades, the total restaurant unit count was relatively flat, dipping slightly by -0.3 percent or less 1,652 restaurant units nationwide, compared to a year ago,...
 Newly elected NPC President Roger Mix
Febrero 04, 2010

Newly elected National Potato Council president Roger Mix names priorities 2010

At the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2010 Annual Meeting Roger Mix of Center, Colo., was elected to lead the NPC as president in 2010.  The meeting was held January 3-4, 2010, in Orlando, Fla.  Roger Mix is a fourth generation potato grower with Mix ...
 Prince Edward Island Potato Conference
Febrero 02, 2010

Cutbacks in potato process contracts could push some growers out

A major plan to beef up potato sales is well underway by the P.E.I. Potato Board and the province, but some of the air leaked out of the tires this week with the announcement that processing companies are cutting back.McCains confirmed it would cut abo...
Febrero 02, 2010

Virus limit raised in Prince Edward Island seed potatoes

Prince Edward Island's agriculture minister George Webster is raising the limit on the amount of virus allowed in this year's seed potatoes, which are used to plant the spring crop. Webster said Tuesday that he would double the limit and set it at si...
Enero 29, 2010

USDA to buy up $9 million of fresh potatoes

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced USDA's intention to purchase $29.1 million worth of blueberry, pear, potato, peach and mixed fruit products for federal food nutrition assistance programs. "These purchases will help stabilize pric...
Enero 28, 2010

ADM Releases First Corporate Responsibility Report

Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) has made considerable progress in the areas of supply-chain integrity, environmental stewardship, social investing and safety since the Company convened its Sustainability Steering Committee in 2007.  Those a...
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Enero 26, 2010

Technomic lowers 2010 restaurant industry forecast

Citing continued concern over job losses, underemployment and continued consumer frugality in dining away from home, Technomic revised its 2010 U.S. foodservice industry sales forecast downward. Foodservice consulting firm Technomic now expects the ind...
Enero 26, 2010

Combined U.S. Fall Potato and Canadian Potato Production Up 3 Percent From 2008

This publication is the result of a joint effort by Statistics Canada and USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) to publish potato production for both countries in one report. U.S. 2009 fall potato production was released January 12, 20...
 Washington Oregon Potato Conference
Enero 26, 2010

2010 Washington Oregon Potato Conference underway

Potato growers have the chance to come together to learn more about their trade, participate in potato-geared activities and network at the annual Washington-Oregon Potato Conference this week.
 PEI Potato Expo
Enero 26, 2010

PEI Potato Expo picks up major sponsors

Producers of the International Potato Technology Expo (IPTE) are pleased to welcome aboard two recognizable names in the industry as major sponsors for this high caliber event. Syngenta Canada and Farm Credit Canada have both come on board as sponsors ...
 Idaho Potatoes
Enero 25, 2010

“Watching Waistlines & Wallets” Potato Recipe Contest launched by Idaho Potato Commission

Calling all [US] cooks: If you have a flair for preparing healthful fare, now is your time to shine. The Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) is rewarding resourceful home cooks for innovative Idaho® potato recipes that bank on flavor and still save cents in ...
Enero 22, 2010

Canadian Potato Production (Revised January 22, 2010)

Statistics Canada has released the report "Canadian Potato Production"January  22, 2010 with some revised numbers.The publication contains revisions to the 2009 potato production for both Canada and the United States, as well as revisions to ...


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