Cadena de Suministro de Papas

Agosto 25, 2010

Minnesota and North Dakota Potato harvest ahead of schedule

Normal temperatures and below average precipitation allowed producers in Minnesota to make steady harvest progress
Agosto 25, 2010

Mexican Frozen Potato Tariff for US Products Reduced but Not Eliminated

Agosto 24, 2010

Gold Dust Potato Processors, Inc. Host 10th Annual Open House Field Day

Gold Dust Potato Processors and Walker Brothers welcomed customers, vendors and guests to their 10th Annual Open House Field Day.
Agosto 24, 2010

FDA releases guidance on federal menu labeling requirements

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today released two documents that outline steps to help chain restaurants comply with new federal nutrition labeling requirements. “One of the most important things we can do when it comes to the nation’s health i...
 AFFI (American Frozen Food Institute)
Agosto 20, 2010

AFFI Calls on President, Congress to Hasten Resolution of Cross-Border Trucking Dispute with Mexico

President and CEO Kraig R. Naasz of the American Frozen Foods Institute (AFFI) today issued a statement responding to Mexico’s announcement of additional retaliatory import tariffs on select U.S. exports due to the ongoing cross-border trucking dispute.
 Prince Edward Island Potato Board
Agosto 19, 2010

PEI Potato board welcomes decision Tribunal in potato contracts appeal

In a dispute around the process for the establishment of potato contracts between potato growers and processors, a decision has been reached by the Natural Products Appeals Tribunal. The decision provides a unique insight in the negotiation process o...
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 Simplot Canada
Agosto 18, 2010

Manitoba started processing new crop potatoes

In Manitoba, harvest of processing potatoes is underway.
Agosto 11, 2010

Confusion around USDA's predicted potato acreage for North Dakota

USDA reported that North Dakota planted 90,000 acres to potatoes in 2010, an 8000 acre increase compared to last year.
 Logo del sitio web del Consejo de la Papa
Agosto 10, 2010

Consejo de la Papa de los Estados Unidos publica su estrategia en Internet

Con el inicio de un nuevo año fiscal, el Consejo de la Papa de los Estados Unidos (USPB, por sus siglas en ingles) ha publicado en línea la estrategia que sus programas seguirán para cumplir los objetivos propuestos. Se encuentra en ingles en http://ww...
Agosto 10, 2010

United States Potato Board publishes long range strategy online

With the start of the USPB’s new fiscal year (FY11) July 1, the newly revised Long Range Plan (LRP) is now available at The Long Range Plan is the USPB’s annual strategy document that guides each and every program the B...
 PEI Potato Board
Agosto 10, 2010

No change in PEI Potato board rules for negotiating contracts

A tribunal ruling allowing the P.E.I. Potato Board to set the rules for negotiating contracts between potato processors and farmers is a victory for growers, says the board.   The rules were designed to put in place a process that would ensure a c...
 Pack Expo 2010
Agosto 09, 2010

GMA Conference, co-located at PACK EXPO focuses on product safety, sustainability & operational reliability

The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) has announced the full schedule of sessions for its 'Manufacturing Excellence Conference', to be co-located with PACK EXPO International 2010.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Agosto 09, 2010

Potato Psyllids found in North Dakota

The North Dakota State University (NDSU) Blight Line reports the finding of a potato insect pest new to North Dakota, the potato psyllid.
New Potato Varieties get extra push in Oregon, Washington
Julio 28, 2010

New Potato Varieties get extra push in Oregon, Washington

The Oregon Potato Commission has committed an extra $60,000 this year in funding for the potato variety development program at Oregon State University, said Bill Brewer, the commission’s executive director.Among those new varieties Brewer is most excit...
Julio 27, 2010

P.E.I. Potato Board courts Algerian industry leaders

The P.E.I. Potato Board is wooing an old friend in an effort to create new business opportunities for Island farmers.The board is hosting a delegation of industry leaders from Algeria.The Algerian delegation is in the province now. They are planning to...
Julio 21, 2010

McDonald's Defends Happy meal marketing

McDonald's Corp. (MCD) Chief Executive Jim Skinner has rebuffed a call by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) to end the distribution of Happy Meal toys. CPSI has alleged that the giveaway promotions contribute to childhood obesity by ...
Julio 19, 2010

Potato Harvest 2010: Acreage, Yield and Quality

What will potato harvest 2010 bring? A brief look at the situation in North-West Europe and North America.
Ryan Potato Company Truck
Julio 17, 2010

R.D. Offutt Company acquires Ryan Potato Company

R.D. Offutt Company announces that it has agreed to acquire the assets of Ryan Potato Company, an East Grand Forks, MN, based buyer of washing quality reds, whites, russets, and yellow flesh varieties of potatoes, effective July 12, 2010.Ryan Potato Co...


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