Proveedores de Servicios para el Cultivo de la Papa

Potato Storage Insight Ltd

Potato Storage Insight are specialists in potato storage. PSI technical advice and expertise in storing potatoes helps limit tuber damage, retain crop quality over time and prevent sprouting.

Presia Ag Insights

Presia Ag Insights is a subsidary of McCain Foods. Presia is developing crop monitoring tools using various remote sensing and satellite data and offer insights specific to potato health and quality, harvest planning, and regenerative agriculture.

Professional Partners in Agribusiness (PPA)

PPA (Professional Partners in Agribusiness) is a modern agricultural agency specializing in the mediation, cultivation, storage, and transshipment of onions, chicory, and related products.

Profytodsd BV

Profytodsd offers specialized, tailored advisory services for growers, covering both crop-specific and farm-wide needs. With expertise across various sectors, including flower bulbs, arable crops, organic farming, and livestock, Profytodsd advisors provide customized guidance based on each grower's unique goals and capabilities.

Progressive Produce

Progressive Produce LLC has been a premier fresh produce company for the past 50 years with a bright future on the horizon.

Q-Potato Holland B.V.

Q-Potato is a Dutch potato company focused on the (international) trade in seed and ware potatoes.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado


Rabobank is a cooperative bank. There are almost ninety local Rabobanks in the Netherlands, which each operate with a high degree of independence so they can better serve their customers and local communities.

Resson, Inc.

Resson uses the rapidly expanding trend of drone application in agriculture and large scale cloud-based predictive analytics to optimize agricultural productivity.

Rigby Produce, Inc.

Rigby Produce, established in 1979 by a group of Idaho farm owners, has grown from a small packing shed into one of Southeastern Idaho's largest grower-shippers of potatoes.

Rits Drainage

Rits Gebroeders, headquartered in Geluveld, primarily serves West and East Flanders, providing competent drainage solutions customized to individual needs.

Royal Bank of Canada

Royal Bank of Canada is a global financial institution with a purpose-driven, principles-led approach to delivering leading performance. The bank provides financial assistance to growers.

RWL Holdings Ltd (PEI Potato Solutions)

RWL Holdings is a company that offers services to local (potato) producers including: cleaning, drying, grading and load optimization.
Contenido Patrocinado

También te puede interesar

S-S Enginering

SS Engineering BV, based in Stiens, specializes in the development and manufacturing of professional drainage and industrial cleaning equipment.

SAC Consulting

SAC Consulting, a subsidiary of Scotland's Rural College (SRUC), has been involved in Scottish agriculture and rural development since 1905. With a long history of collaboration in research and teaching, the organization maintains independent of trade products and services, focusing on objective guidance for land-based enterprises.


Scotiabank serves thousands of customers, families, and communities across the globe, helping them achieve success through advice, products, and services. They provide financial services to growers in the industry.

Share Logistics

Share Logistics, founded in 2008, is a family-owned freight forwarding firm based in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Solanum International Inc.

Solanum International is a potato variety introduction company in North America

Southwest Design & Construction

Southwest Design & Construction is a leading design/build contractor specializing in the construction of agricultural, commercial & industrial steel building systems in Western Canada since 1980.


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