Potato Europe 2015

When & Where

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Descripción del Evento

Potato Europe is an annual event for the European potato industry, organised in rotation in either Germany, Belgium, France or the Netherlands.

Potato Europe 2015 will be held in Belgium (Kain/Tournai).

(Click picture to watch video) Potato Europe includes an extensive demonstration of harvesting equipment. This video shows the preparation of the potato fields that will be harvested

Potato Europe includes an extensive demonstration of harvesting equipment. This video shows the preparation of the potato fields that will be harvested

Noticias sobre este Evento

Expositores Destacados

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Heat and Control - Leaderboard - 20250122


Potato Europe 2015
  • Ets. Witdouck
    Rue de Mourcourt 2
    Kain 7540

Información de Contacto

Contenido Patrocinado


Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado