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Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO)


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The Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO; Dutch Potato Organisation) represents the interests of the Dutch potato sector, including the seed potato industry, the table potato industry and the sector producing potatoes for processing. 
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News for this Company

Dick Hylkema, director of the Nederlandse Aardappel Organisatie (NAO)
September 12, 2023

Dutch potato chain could play a very important international role

The Netherlands' development as an agricultural country and retaining enough farmland. And ensuring potatoes remain in Dutch consumers' minds.
Growers of potatoes for consumption in England and Wales may be able to import Dutch seed potatoes.
January 28, 2022

Growers in England and Wales may be able to import Dutch seed potatoes directly

At the request of the Dutch Potato Organisation (NAO), the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has investigated the possibilities for exporting Dutch seed potatoes to the United Kingdom (UK).
Deadlock: Much concern in EU about seed potato trade with the UK
April 26, 2021

Deadlock: Much concern in EU about seed potato trade with the UK

There seems to be little hope for an imminent agreement between the EU and the UK on mutual trade in seed potatoes. If no agreement is reached, there is a good chance that the export of seed potatoes from EU countries to the UK will be resolutely closed on 1 July.
Jonge Boeren Programma krijgt virtueel vervolg tijdens Aardappeldemodag Online
August 16, 2020

Jonge Boeren Programma krijgt virtueel vervolg tijdens Aardappeldemodag Online

De eerste editie van het Jonge Boeren Programma tijdens Aardappeldemodag 2018 was een groot succes. Twee jaar na deze speciaal voor jonge boeren georganiseerde bijeenkomst komt er nu een virtueel vervolg.