Pizzoli's Commitment to Sustainability: From Field to Packaging
Italian Potato Processor and Packer Pizzoli is Committed to Sustainability: CSR report From Field to Packaging

Sustainability has always been a key value in Pizzoli's business model, and the company makes every effort to limit its impact on the ecosystem and on natural resources. This commitment can be seen at every stage of Pizzoli's production chain, from the field to production and packaging.
Sustainable agriculture
Pizzoli grows its potatoes by adopting agronomic practices that are as "natural" or "low impact" as possible, both in fertilization and in defense against insects and diseases, rationalizing the use of fertilizers and pesticides.
Together with universities and other partners, Pizzoli uses trial fields to develop more efficient and sustainable farming practices and technologies.
Drip irrigation
Water is an increasingly precious asset, so Pizzoli promotes the use of drip or micro-irrigation for its potatoes. The plants are watered directly at the roots, minimizing waste and reducing water consumption by 30-40% and CO2 emissions by 60-80% compared to other irrigation systems.

Drip irrigation
Methane gas cogeneration
Pizzoli's methane gas cogeneration plant produces both electricity and heat. This system covers most of the factory’s energy needs, drastically reducing the amount of electricity that Pizzoli purchases on the market.

Methane gas cogeneration
Valorization of by-products
Potato peels and other production waste from Pizzoli are converted to gas in a biomass plant and used to generate sustainable electricity. This allows Pizzoli to create an environmentally virtuous production cycle, reduce the impact of its waste, and get clean energy in return.
Easily recyclable packaging
Wherever possible, Pizzoli packages its potatoes using materials that can be easily sorted and recycled. For example, many of Pizzoli's fresh potatoes use 100% paper eco-friendly packaging.