Informes RSC

Fossil fuel power plants are one of the largest emitters of the greenhouse gases that cause climate change. (Courtesy: Unsplash)
Octubre 28, 2024

Climate crunch time is here, new United Nations report warns

Countries must start curbing emissions immediately, according to the UN Emissions Gap Report 2024.
Peter Erik Ywema, director Sustainability, leaves Royal Avebe
Septiembre 27, 2024

Royal Avebe director Sustainability, Peter Erik Ywema, is leaving

Peter Erik Ywema, director of Sustainability, will leave Royal Avebe on 1 October 2024. This has been mutually agreed by Ywema and the board of directors.
Pizzoli's Commitment to Sustainability: From Field to Packaging
Julio 26, 2024

Italian Potato Processor and Packer Pizzoli is Committed to Sustainability: CSR report From Field to Packaging

Sustainability has always been a key value in our business model, and we make every effort to limit our impact on the ecosystem and on natural resources. This commitment can be seen at every stage of our production chain, from the field to production and packaging.
Lamb Weston Issues FY23 Global Sustainability Report
Junio 30, 2024

Potato processor Lamb Weston publishes 2023 Global Sustainability Report

With a focus on making fries and making strides, Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. issued its fifth annual Global Sustainability Report, providing updates on the company’s performance against key sustainability and people initiatives during its fiscal year 2023.
McCain Foods presenta su reporte de sustentabilidad global
Enero 29, 2024

McCain Foods presenta su informe global de sustentabilidad 2023

El progreso que McCain Foods está logrando hacia sus compromisos de sostenibilidad fue anunciado con la publicación del Informe Anual de Sostenibilidad Global de la compañía, que incluye resultados del último año fiscal.
Pepsico 2022 ESG summary: progress toward PEP+ Goals
Junio 29, 2023

Pepsico 2022 ESG summary: progress toward PEP+ Goals

PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP) published its 2022 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Summary, sharing the first full year of reporting since the launch of PepsiCo Positive (pep+) in 2021.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Lamb Weston Issues FY22 ESG Report
Junio 21, 2023

Potato Processor Lamb Weston Issues FY22 ESG Report

Potato Processor Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. issued its fourth annual Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) report, reporting progress against 2030 ESG goals.
McCain Foods 2022 Sustainability Report
Enero 26, 2023

Potato Processor McCain Foods releases 2022 Sustainability Report

McCain Foods Limited (McCain) released its Sustainability Report for 2022, underpinning its commitment to producing delicious, planet-friendly food
Sustainable Potato Enjoyment: Lamb Weston / Meijer’s progress report on 2030 Sustainability Agenda
Enero 18, 2023

Sustainable Potato Enjoyment: Lamb Weston / Meijer’s progress report on 2030 Sustainability Agenda

Lamb Weston / Meijer released its Sustainability Report 2021-2022, based on its 2030 Sustainability Agenda and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Sudstarke GmbHs Sustainability Report for 2020
Marzo 10, 2022

Südstärke GmbH Sustainability Report for 2020

The aim of the Südstärke sustainability report is to offer customers, suppliers, colleagues, shareholders, and site neighbors an insight into how they engage with nature and the environment.
EUPPA Sustainability map: sustainable agriculture initiatives
Marzo 03, 2022

European potato processors put sustainability at centre stage

The European Potato Processors’ Association (EUPPA) released a special report highlighting progress made in recent years by the sector across key areas of environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
New study predicts two popular American foods surprisingly resilient to climate change.
Octubre 27, 2021

Study: Potato supply chain resilient to climate change

A new study led by researchers at the University of Florida predicts that the supply chains for two of American’s most popular plant-based foods — French fries and pasta sauce — are surprisingly resilient to climate change.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Potato processers find efficient emissions control solution in Dürr Megtec’s advanced wet electrostatic precipitator
Agosto 02, 2021

Potato processers find efficient emissions control solution in Dürr Megtec’s advanced wet electrostatic precipitator

Potato processors are finding the advanced design of Dürr Megtec’s recently released Part.X PW Wet ElectroStatic Precipitator (WESP) to be an efficient and low maintenance solution to control particulate matter from frying exhaust.
Impact of sustainability agenda of potato processor McCain Foods in India
Junio 21, 2021

Impact of sustainability agenda McCain Foods in India

In line with the Global Sustainability Strategy and Commitments, McCain released its Global Sustainability Report with a focus on India, for the first time, to track progress across its sustainability pillars for the year 2020.
Lamb Weston Announces New 2030 ESG Goals.
Junio 16, 2021

Potato processor Lamb Weston updates its sustainability targets in its second ESG report

Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. - manufacturer of frozen french fries and potato specialties - issued its second annual Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) report today, which included new 2030 ESG goals.
McCain Foods Commitment will Help Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C
Junio 13, 2021

McCain Foods Commitment will Help Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C

McCain Foods' commitment to cut in half greenhouse gas emissions across all of its global operations by the end of the decade has been verified to align with efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
Global Sustainability Report Sets McCain on Path to a Greener Future
Junio 07, 2021

McCain Foods commits to regenerative agricultural practices for all its potatoes by 2030

As part of today’s release of McCain’s 2020 Global Sustainability report Together, Towards Planet-Friendly Food, the company is pledging that it will be implementing regenerative agricultural practices across 100 per cent of its potato acreage by 2030.
Lamb Weston / Meijer: eat balanced, don’t waste food and care about the climate
Abril 26, 2021

Lamb Weston / Meijer publishes sustainability report: eat balanced, don’t waste food and care about the climate

With the publication of the sustainability report 2019-2020, leading potato processor presents its ambitious Sustainability Agenda for 2030


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