Andrew Robinson is New Extension Potato Agronomist at North Dakota State University

 Andrew Robinson
Marzo 20, 2012
Andrew Robinson is New Extension Potato Agronomist - The Extension Potato Agronomist position vacated by Nick David in January 2011 has been filled! 

Idaho native Andrew "Andy"Robinson has been hired.  He has a Masters Degree in Agronomy and Crop Production from Purdue University and recently completed his PhD in Weed Science, also at Purdue.

Robinson's first day on the job will be April 30th.  The position is jointly funded by North Dakota State University, the University of Minnesota and the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association.  Robinson will be based on the NDSU campus.

Northern Plains Potato growers Association President Chuck Gunnerson says, "I am very excited we have finally filled this position.  We are looking forward to working with Andy just as the 2012 crop goes in the ground."

Source: Northern Plains Potato Growers Association News
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