Tajikistan has harvested a record potato crop, but potato price stays high.
Tajikistan has harvested a record potato crop, but potato price stays high.

Tajikistan has achieved record potato production figures for the first 10 months of 2024 – 1 million 139 thousand 936 tons, which is 20.6% more than in the previous year. Data from the Statistics Agency evidence this, EastFruit reports .
However, despite this success, the republic ranks second in terms of the price of potatoes among the CIS countries. Why does a high harvest not lead to lower prices?
In November 2024, average potato prices in Tajikistan fell by 12.2% compared to the same period last year. However, according to experts, seasonal price declines are not able to compensate for the influence of long-term factors. The fact is that the high cost remains unchanged due to increased production costs, writes Asiaplustj.
Most potatoes are produced by small farms, which often operate with outdated equipment and lack access to modern agricultural technologies. This reduces productivity and limits the potential of the industry.
Another reason is that areas such as Shakhriston, Devashtich, Nurabad and others experience water shortages every summer. High prices are also due to insufficient logistics and storage infrastructure. Many farmers say they lack modern warehouses, forcing them to sell their produce through intermediaries or use outdated storage methods. In addition, a poor transportation network increases delivery costs. This factor continues to put pressure on the final price.
According to the latest data, Tajikistan produces approximately 111 kg of potatoes per capita , placing the republic third in the region after Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The Ministry of Agriculture previously stated that 92 kg of potatoes are needed per person per year.
Potato farming in Tajikistan is one of the most important sub-sectors of agriculture. In 2023, the republic adopted a program to produce more than a million tons of potatoes per year.
According to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, Tajikistan will produce 1 million 163 thousand tons of potatoes this year, and by 2027 will increase this figure to 1 million 203 thousand tons.
Since 2018, potato production has been growing due to the expansion of planting areas.
Kurbonali Partoyev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences:
"Extensive farming is ineffective, especially in hot climates and with a shortage of irrigated land."
The average potato yield remains at 21.8-22.3 tons per hectare, which is below world standards. Partoyev believes that active work with science and the introduction of new varieties are needed to increase this figure.