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University of Idaho, Kimberly Research & Extension

Solapas principales

The mission of the University of Idaho Extension is to improve the lives of Idahoans by providing research-based education and information that help their citizens solve problems. The University of Idaho Extension is involved in a range of activities related to the potato crop.

University of Idaho, Kimberly Research & Extension

University of Idaho, Kimberly Research & Extension

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Increasing International interest in PVMI Potato Varieties
Junio 18, 2015

Increasing International interest in PVMI Potato Varieties

Foreign countries are showing increasing interest in potato varieties developed in the Pacific Northwest and managed by the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI).
Erik Wenninger
Enero 31, 2015

Potato Psyllids in Pacific Northwest declining

Levels of zebra chip, a crop disease in potatoes spread by potato psyllids and caused by the Liberibacter bacterium, were down signficiantly in the Pacific Northwest.
Expert: Idaho potato industry has too much capacity
Enero 28, 2015

Expert: Idaho potato industry has too much capacity

A former Potato Growers of Idaho executive director believes Idaho’s capacity to produce and pack potatoes has outgrown the market, at the expense of growers.
Nora Olsen, Professor and Extension Potato Specialist at the University of Idaho
Diciembre 02, 2014

Sprout Contol during storage topic of latest Focus on Potato webcast

The lastest focus on Potato webcast provides an update on Potato Sprout Control, by Nora Olsen, Professor and Extension Potato Specialist at the University of Idaho