

Photovolt Instruments

Photovolt Instruments offers high quality lab instrumentation made in the USA. The company supports many different industries in achieving consistent and accurate product measurements.

Aardappelwereld BV (Potato World Magazine)

Potato World magazine is a potato Industry news magazine run out of the Netherlands.

Aarhus University

Aarhus University is a research university located in Aarhus, Denmark, founded in 1928.

Accueil - Airspore

AIR is a preventive fungal disease detection program. It serves as a tool to help you target your interventions and better protect your crops.

Accueil - Potato Planet - Revue pour les professionnels

Accueil - Potato Planet - Revue pour les professionnels ,is providing vast array of research articles, news and diverse selection of potato related books.

Ag Leader Technology

Ag Leader offers a complete package of precision farming tools that connect the entire operation from planting to harvest and from the office to the field.


AGNEMA, the commercial plant clinic laboratory, provides optimized testing packages to examine nematodes and pathogens in soil and plant samples.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado

Agri Markets Ltd (World Potato Markets)

Agri Markets Ltd offers World Potato Markets, a weekly electronic newsletter that monitors European and World markets for potatoes

Agri-Cal USA

Agri-Cal USA is working in field of Fertilizer Alternative & Vegetable Stimulator.

Agri-Inject, Inc

Agri-Inject has been a pioneer in fluid injection technology. They are specialized in Applying fertilizer and crop protection products through irrigation systems.


Agtrinsic was designed to be a natural and essential part of the agricultural scouting process. It has been built from the ground up by the Evergreen FS team over the last seven years.

Akkerbouwbedrijf Belgie

Akkerbouwbedrijf Belgie is a professional journal dedicated to arable farmers, this publication caters to the knowledge needs of growers through practical insights and expert content. Distributed six times a year, it reaches 12,600 readers across the Netherlands (8,500 copies), Flanders (1,750 copies), and Wallonia (2,350 copies).

Arvalis - Institut du vegetal

ARVALIS - Institut du vegetal is an applied agricultural research organization in France dedicated to arable crops - including potato
Contenido Patrocinado

Aspen Sales Group LLC

Aspen Sales Group is a team of Global Networking sales solution specialists based in New Jersey.

Austral University of Chile (UACh)

La Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) es una distinguida institución académica latinoamericana con más de 60 años de experiencia en la educación de profesionales altamente competitivos tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.


AvaGro is an agricultural solutions provider, Working in intent to contribute to the shift from traditional farming to precision agriculture.

Axgro Foods Ltd

Axgro Foods Ltd is a family owned company based in West Butterwick, North Lincolnshire, with a farming operation and extensive facilities for processing root crops and apples. Products include both chilled and frozen potato specialties.

Bear Island Brewing

Bear Island Brewing, LLC is a very small production brewery in Boise, Idaho. Bear Island specializes in unique and balanced brews with local flair including beer made from potato

Beattie's Distillers

Beattie’s Farms & Distillers make the world’s best tasting spirits. Beattie’s support all the other beat makers like them in their quest to create greatness through hard work, devotion, taste and originality.


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