ARVALIS - Institut du vegetal is an applied agricultural research organization dedicated to arable crops : cereals, maize, sorghum, potatoes, fodder crops, flax and tobacco.
The institute was founded by farmers and dedicates its expertise to the creation of production systems that combine economic competitiveness, adaptation to changing markets conditions and environment protection. Arvalis considers technological innovation as a major tool to enable producers and agri-companies to respond to societal challenges.
The Institute operates from 27 different sites in France, with a broad range of activities. Its activities cover all stages of the agricultural production, from pre-sowing to post-harvest stages.
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Junio 08, 2020
Potato Europe 2020 queda cancelado
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PotatoEurope vuelve a Francia donde este año espera reunir a 15.000 visitantes
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Over 10.000 visitors at Potato Europe 2012
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