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Stoller Europe S.L.U.


Solapas principales

Descripción de la compañía

Stoller Europe is the Stoller Group’s subsidiary responsible for the European Community, Russia, and North African countries.

Stoller Europe produces and commercializes nutritional products based on deep knowledge in Plant Physiology and its practical applications as a solution for many of the traditional problems which are present in today's crops, from small farmers to great producers.
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Noticias de esta Compañia

Stoller - VigorSeed: fast and uniform germination of potato seeds.
Mayo 27, 2021

Stoller - VigorSeed: fast and uniform germination of potato seeds

VigorSeed is a product based on the Stoller technology which promotes the germination of seeds by improving the growth and development of roots for quicker planting. Using VigorSeed in the furrows when planting potato seeds will give your crop a head start, maximizing the chances of obtaining higher yields and optimal quality.

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