Solapas principales

International Potato Center (CIP)


Solapas principales

The International Potato Center or Centro Internacional de la Papa (also known by its Spanish acronym, CIP) seeks to reduce poverty and achieve food security on a sustained basis in developing countries.

The Center works to achieve this through scientific research and related activities on potato, sweet potato, other root and tuber crops, and on the improved management of natural resources in the Andes and other mountain areas.

(Click to enlarge) International Potato Center Global Presence

International Potato Center Global Presence

Subsidiaries and Factory Location
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Noticias de esta Compañia

Odisha approves major potato project with the International Potato Center to achieve self-sufficiency
Marzo 05, 2019

Odisha approves major potato project with the International Potato Center to achieve self-sufficiency

The Odisha Government has decided to approve a major project with the International Potato Centre (CIP) focused on sustainable intensification of potato cultivation in order to achieve self-sufficiency in production in this Indian State.
Peruvian farmers get help from Belgium to save traditional potato product from climate change
Febrero 26, 2019

Peruvian farmers get help from Belgium to save traditional potato product from climate change

Three Belgian organisations, ILVO, HOGENT and TRIAS help a local Peruvian agricultural cooperative and university to optimize the semi-industrial production of their traditional tuntas - white freeze-dried potatoes (Chuño)
Febrero 09, 2019

El 'Centro Internacional de la Patata y el Día Honorífico del Perú Unificado', evento temático celebrado en la exposición hortícola de Beijing

La gente visita el jardín del Centro Internacional de la Patata durante el evento temático "International Potato Center and Peru Joint Honorary Day", celebrado como parte de la Exposición Internacional de Horticultura de Beijing en el distrito de Yanqing en Beijing.
Febrero 07, 2019

Las organizaciones de papas buscan aprovechar las papas para abordar la desnutrición en África

Las organizaciones de papas pidieron el lunes esfuerzos deliberados para aumentar la producción de papas y batatas para sistemas alimentarios nutritivos sostenibles en África.