Solapas principales

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


Solapas principales

Part of the United Nations, the primary task of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) is to achieve food security for all – to make sure people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives.

Its three main goals are:
  • the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition;
  • the elimination of poverty and the driving forward of economic and social progress for all;
  • the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources, including land, water, air, climate and genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations.
The FAO offers a range of services that PotatoPro refers to on a regular basis, e.g. statistics and pricing information.

The FAO was also responsible for the "International Year of the Potato", 2008.

The FAO is headquartered in Rome, Italy and operates a network of regional offices all over the world.
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