Solapas principales

Bijl Aardappelen BV


Solapas principales

Descripción de la compañía

Bijl Aardappelen BV is a Dutch company that trades, sorts and packs potatoes for customers both in the Netherlands and abroad, both for retail and for processing.

Tipos de productos que ofrece esta empresa

Noticias de esta Compañia

Potato field in bloom in the Netherland, with windmill in the background
Septiembre 04, 2017

'Dutch potato market under pressure because of direct supply' according to Kees Bijl

The pressure on the Dutch table potato market is increasing, according to Kees Bijl from the potato trading, sorting and packing company Bijl Aardappelen in Sint-Annaland.

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Bijl Aardappelen BV

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