
 Klamath Basin Fresh Direct
十月 25, 2010

Klamath Basin Fresh Direct chooses packaging option to prevent greening

十月 25, 2010

Wild potatoes’ genes enlisted in the late blight arms race

They may be small but they pack a powerful punch. The wild relatives of the familiar potato varieties we find on our plates may yet hold the key to overcoming one of the crop’s most vicious enemies.
 McCain Foods
十月 25, 2010

Up close: McCain Foods Easton factory in Maine

McCain Foods in Easton is a mechanized wonderland of potato processing—the source of millions of pounds of fries in every shape known to modern man
十月 25, 2010

Los genes de las papas silvestres empiezan a ser parte de la lucha contra el tizón tardío

Pueden ser pequeños, pero suponen un aporte de gran alcance. Los parientes silvestres de la papa que consumimos diariamente pueden ser la clave para superar uno de los enemigos más despiadados del cultivo. Un estudio publicado recientemente por cient...
十月 24, 2010

Agristo heeft Belgische primeur met struvietreactor voor fosfaatverwijdering

十月 23, 2010

Idaho Potato Processors have a slow start this season

十月 23, 2010

McDonald's stock soars to record high

McDonald's Corp.'s third-quarter profit soared 10% to trounce expectations, and shareholders are lovin' it. The fast-food behemoth's stock continued to surge in record territory Thursday, nearing $80 a share.
 Phil Lempert Supermarketguru
十月 23, 2010

700% Surge in Barcode scans, often 2D

Last week we included two articles on 'interactive'packaging and the use of labels to link to a website, video or application:
十月 23, 2010

Number of items on the packaging influences how much you eat

There are lots of factors that affect the amount that people eat. It is now well-known that large plates will lead people at a buffet to fill them with more food than small plates and so they end up eating more.
十月 23, 2010

Monsanto joins to highlight qualities Vistive Gold low saturate soybeans

Monsanto has recently joined a partnership, Fitfrying is a collaborative effort of nonprofit and for-profit companies with a mission to guide industry-wide, healthier frying efforts.
 BEST (Belgium Electronic Sorting Technology)
十月 23, 2010

BEST introduces new OPUS optical sorter for frozen vegetables

BEST (Belgium Electronic Sorting Technology) introduced the OPUS optical sorter, an all new state-of-the art free fall camera sorter with a small footprint and the ideal inspection width (1 meter) to integrate in a frozen vegetable line
Robert Lifmann nieuwe Commercieel Manager CêlaVíta
十月 22, 2010

Robert Lifmann nieuwe Commercieel Manager CêlaVíta

Per 8 november 2010 treed Robert Lifmann als Commercieel Manager in dienst bij CêlaVíta bv. In zijn nieuwe functie zal hij de commerciële afdeling aansturen en commercieel verantwoordelijk zijn voor het totale Retail en Foodservice pakket van CêlaVíta bv en de merken CêlaVíta, La Menute en La Cuisine Culinaire. Hij rapporteert in deze functie aan Martin Zwinkels, Managing Director van CêlaVíta bv. 


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