
IRI Releases Latest Insights on Food Inflation Impact on Consumer Shopping Behavior
八月 12, 2022

How does Food Inflation Impact Shopping Behavior? An update by IRI.

Information Resources, Inc. (IRI®), which recently merged with The NPD Group to create a leading global technology, analytics and data provider, released new insights about food inflation
八月 05, 2022


粮农组织食品价格指数*2022年7月平均为 140.9 点,环比下降 13.3 点(8.6%),连续第四个月下行。 尽管如此,指数仍较去年同期高出 16.4点(13.1%)。
Heatwave to push up price of chips (French Fries), say UK potato farmers
七月 22, 2022

Heatwave to push up price of chips (French Fries), say UK potato farmers

In the United Kingdom the price of French fries (UK: chips) is set to increase after recent high temperatures ravaged crops, potato growers have warned. Farmers said the heatwave had added to pressures caused by rising costs linked to the war in Ukraine.
Special Report: Facing high wheat prices, Nigerian bakers turn to potato puree.
七月 14, 2022

Facing high wheat prices, Nigerian bakers turn to (sweet) potato puree

In the midst of a sunlit room in Nnewi, south-east Nigeria, a woman measures out four parts of sweet potato puree – the colour of apricot – into a large basin containing six parts wheat flour.
七月 08, 2022


Japan’s Top Potato Chip Maker Calbee to Raise Prices Up to 20%
六月 23, 2022

Japan's Potato Chip Manufacturer Calbee to Raise Snack Prices Up to 20%

Calbee Inc., Japan’s answer to Frito-Lay with an enormous product line-up ranging from pizza-flavored potato chips to low-carb granola, is raising prices again as companies struggle to absorb costs
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六月 03, 2022


五月 06, 2022


Aussie potatoes mashing previous records.
二月 16, 2022

Potatoes in Australia: mashing previous records

Developed by Freshlogic, the annual Horticulture Statistics Handbook includes the latest available data on 75 different categories across fruit, vegetable, nut, nursery, and cut flowers in Australia.
NEPG: Will contract prices be high enough to cover growing potato demand in the future?
二月 03, 2022

NEPG: Will contract prices be high enough to cover growing potato demand in the future?

Potato growers are facing rising prices for all inputs in recent months, not just for from energy and fertilizers, but also for plant protection products, construction prices, agricultural machinery and spare parts...
十月 19, 2021


粮农组织食品价格指数2021 年 9 月平均为 130.0 点,环比和同比分别上涨 1.5 点(1.2%)和 32.1 点(32.8%)。 该指数最新一轮上涨的主因是多数谷物和植物油价格攀升。 乳制品和食糖价格同样走高,而肉类价格指数则保持稳定。
North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension soil science specialist Dave Franzen examines soybeans in a field.
十月 05, 2021

Fertilizer Prices for 2022 Crop Will Be Near or Above Historic Highs

North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension specialist shares tips for improving profitability during times of high fertilizer prices.
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Frozen French Fries Production in China Expands

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El levantamiento de los agricultores de patatas de Málaga

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