
七月 11, 2010

Potato Industry works at ways to build foodservice sales

With restaurant sales down over the last year or so, potato shippers and marketing directors are looking at options to get their product on more plates.Some say that progress has been made.“It’s slowly coming back,” said Kevin Stanger vice president of...
七月 10, 2010

Belgische frituur serveert oranje friet

Oranje frietjes, het klinkt als een Nederlandse grap, maar bij het Snabbeltje in Gruitrode krijg je de Belgische trots in die kleur voorgeschoteld. Het ziet er totaal anders uit, maar de smaak blijft hetzelfde.'Onze frietjes kleuren oranje!' De 43-jari...
七月 10, 2010

Belgische aardappeltelers vrezen doorwas en lage opbrengst

Voor het toerisme is het warme weer een zegen, voor de landbouwers een nachtmerrie. De aanhoudende droogte brengt de oogst in gevaar. Het verlies wordt geschat op veertig procent.Een fikse regenbui. Dat is waar de boeren voor bidden. De aanhoudende dro...
七月 08, 2010

Emisiones en Internet sobre protección de cultivos

La Red de Manejo de Cultivos (PMN, por sus siglas en ingles), una editorial sin fines de lucro con información agrícola y hortícola, anuncia el lanzamiento de "Focus on Potato", un recurso en ingles con emisiones por Internet y otras herramie...
七月 07, 2010

FDA invites comments on law requiring posting of calories

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced that it is inviting the public to submit comments and information to help the agency implement a new federal law that requires the posting of calorie content and other nutrition information on menu ...
七月 07, 2010

Mashed potato in foodservice on the rise

Mashed potatoes in foodservice operations are up 29% in the past four years. In Q1 2006, the top 350 chain restaurant menus listed 1,749 mashed potato menu items. In Q1 2010, there were 2,256. This is an important and positive trend for potatoes in foo...
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LOV fryer manufacturer Henny Penny recognized by McDonald's
七月 06, 2010

LOV fryer manufacturer Henny Penny recognized by McDonald's

Henny Penny Corporation was named McDonald’s 2009 Worldwide Equipment Supplier of the Year at the restaurant franchisor’s global supplier meeting earlier this year. Henny Penny achieved the highest score in a supplier rating system called the Total Sup...
 Dynamic Cloud Control Steamer FTNON
七月 06, 2010

Save energy with the FTNON DCC steamer in the production of steamed potato specialties

To the potato specialties belong a wide range of products, shapes and flavours, for example hash browns, specialty cuts, snacks and potato puree. The core process of many potato specialties consists of a blanching, cooling and cooking line. In most ca...
七月 01, 2010

CKE stockholders approve $1B buyout

CKE Restaurants Inc. said late Wednesday that its shareholders approved the proposed $1 billion buyout by affiliates of Apollo Management VII LP.Valued at USD 1 billion, Apollo’s bid beat out an earlier offer valued at about $928 million by private-equ...
Potatoes - Goodness unearthed
六月 30, 2010

Japanese companies save time and money with US Dehydrated potatoes

Where Japanese companies are trying to gain a competitive advantage, dehy fits in nicely as the economic climate changes! Fewer people are eating out in Japan, opting instead to shop in delis and supermarkets more. 
六月 30, 2010

Biotech Start-up shows acrylamide reductions with special yeast

Functional Technologies Corp (TSX-V: FEB), a world leader in yeast research and development, today announced initial test results for bread made with its acrylamide-preventing yeast demonstrated reductions of acrylamide of approximately 90%.
 Potato Council
六月 30, 2010

British potato plantings to hit five year low

British potato plantings this year are likely to be the lowest for five years, according to the Potato Council's first crop estimate.It forecast that total plantings would be 2.8% lower than last year at 126,600ha, the smallest area since 2005. With an...
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六月 30, 2010

Belgapom kiest een nieuw bestuur;Antoon Wallays herverkozen als voorzitter

Tijdens de druk bijgewoonde jaarlijkse algemene vergadering van Belgapom, de Belgische aardappelhandel en verwerking, die dit jaar plaats vond in het huis van de toekomst in Vilvoorde, werd Antoon Wallays, bedrijfsleider van Agristo, herverkozen tot al...
Wendy’s/Arby's to re-enter Japan
六月 30, 2010

Wendy’s/Arby's to re-enter Japan

Wendy’s/Arby’s Group Inc. is ramping up international expansion plans with a proposed re-entry into the Japanese market, the company said Wednesday.The proposed restaurants are to be co-branded Wendy’s/Arby’s locations and feature menus offering signat...
六月 29, 2010

Sale of Michael Foods completed

Michael Foods, Inc. announced today that its parent, Michael Foods Group, Inc. (formerly M-Foods Holdings, Inc.) closed a previously announced transaction under which its owners, affiliates of Thomas H. Lee Partners, L.P. (“THL”) and certain current an...
六月 28, 2010

Will Chase saves 'Love Chips' website from closure

The website run by the marketing department of the Potato Council, which was one of 820 websites expected to be closed by a Government review has been saved by William Chase, owner of Chase Vodka.   The website was to be closed as part of the review by...
六月 28, 2010

Frito-Lay introduces lower sodium Ruffles and Fritos

PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay North America business unit announced the introduction of two new Lightly Salted varieties of chips. Fritos Lightly Salted corn chips and Ruffles Lightly Salted potato chips join Lay’s Lightly Salted potato chips, which were launche...
六月 27, 2010

Europarlement stemt tegen "stoplicht"

Het Europees Parlement heeft tegen een stoplichtsysteem gestemd. Een amendement van enkele fracties in het Parlement voor de invoering van zo'n systeem werd verworpen.   Volgens de voorstanders van het verkeerslichtensysteem kunnen consumenten aan de h...


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