
Belpotato.be Criticizes Unilateral Contract Reductions in Belgian Potato Sector
三月 06, 2025

Belpotato.be calls for signed potato contracts to be correctly executed

Belpotato.be is surprised to learn of the proposals from some potato buyers, whereby they unilaterally reduce the contracted quantities from the buyer without any form of consultation in already signed contracts. This is unacceptable.
Sticomax acquires Dutch sector colleague FoodeQ Engineering and becomes one of the largest machine builders for the food industry in the Benelux.
二月 25, 2025

Sticomax Acquisition of FoodeQ Engineering enhances Presence in the Food Industry in the Benelux Region and Beyond

Belgian machine builder Sticomax, the holding company above the companies IntOCon (BE), StuMaCo (BE), Romonta (NL), ViwateQ (NL) and DutchTecSource (NL), is acquiring Dutch sector colleague FoodeQ Engineering. 
Agristo optimizes Potato Production with Polysense's Virtual Quality Assistant for Efficiency and Sustainability
一月 20, 2025

Agristo optimizes Potato Production with Polysense's Virtual Quality Assistant for Efficiency and Sustainability

Agristo, a global leader in potato products, is targeting an ambitious milestone: producing 1.3 million tons annually by 2030. Agristo has partnered with Polysense, a cutting-edge AI innovator specializing in food industry solutions to achieve this sustainably.
Roger & Roger Named First SDG Pioneer in Wallonia by UNITAR
十二月 26, 2024

Potato Chip manufacturer Roger & Roger recognized as sustainability Pioneer in Wallonia by UNITAR

Roger & Roger has been honoured as the first SDG Pioneer in Wallonia by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). This prestigious title recognizes companies that have successfully integrated sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their operations.
Averis New Shareholder of Breeders Trust
十一月 23, 2024

Averis New Shareholder of Breeders Trust

The breeding company Averis, located in Veendam, has joined Breeders Trust as a shareholder. Breeders Trust supports participating companies in protecting and enforcing plant breeder rights and contract terms.
Europatat welcomes GB Potatoes as associated member
十月 20, 2024

Europatat welcomes GB Potatoes as associated member

GB Potatoes has been welcomed participation from all in the potato supply chain, including growers, packers, processors, seed growers, research organisations, independent advisors, and ancillary businesses.
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Never had Western-European potato growers such a difficult planting season. Never has a future harvest seen so many uncertainties!
七月 02, 2024

North-western European potato growers: Never such a difficult planting season, never so much uncertainties about the harvest!

Very late and difficult planting conditions and emergence problems on a large scale are cause of concern in some of the main production regions in North-western Europe.
Europatat and other Stakeholders raise concerns over proposed plant reproductive material amendments
四月 17, 2024

Europatat and other Stakeholders raise concerns over proposed plant reproductive material amendments

Europatat is raising concerns about the draft report on Plant Reproductive Material (PRM) which is set for a vote in the European Parliament’s Plenary during the week of 22 April.
Brand new website about sustainable fertilization of potatoes.
四月 02, 2024

Belfertil and Belgapom promote the sustainable fertilization of potatoes with a new website for growers

BELFertil and Belgapom collaborate to offer growers, crop supervisors, and advisors a new website dedicated to sustainable fertilization practices for potatoes.
This modern facility, located in Ranst, Belgium, which earned the title of 'Factory of the Future,' last year, embodies Pomuni's commitment to innovation and excellence
三月 30, 2024

Pomuni CEO Ben Muyshondt Sees the Market for Frozen Products to Grow in Next 3 to 4 Year

With innovation, resilience, and a commitment to sustainability as its guiding principles, Pomuni is poised to continue its ascent, leaving an indelible mark on the agricultural landscape of Belgium and beyond.
New frying line to make Belgian fries even tastier
二月 06, 2024

New pilot frying line to make Belgian fries even tastier

Nothing as Belgian as a tasty packet of fries. But sustainably producing fries requires a lot of knowledge, development and collaboration with companies and researchers.
十二月 21, 2023

Europatat calls for information about ongoing projects to control the spread of wireworms

Europatat, the European Potato Association, is calling upon researchers and industry professionals to share information about ongoing research, and any other related activities which will help to control the spread of wireworms in potatoes.
TOMRA Insight Foreign Materials Identification
十一月 02, 2023

TOMRA Food wins International FoodTec Award for foreign material identification

The foreign material identification accuracy of TOMRA Food's sorting and grading solutions has won a prestigious International FoodTec Award for 'using artificial intelligence and cloud technology to improve food safety, quality, and traceability while increasing process efficiency'.
Campos de papa cultivados
十月 10, 2023

Temporada difícil para los productores de semilla en Europa afectará la disponibilidad para los mercados de exportación

La temporada de cultivo de 2023 trajo desafíos sin precedentes para los productores de semilla de papa en Europa. Condiciones climáticas desfavorables y una reducción en la superficie sembrada han provocado retrasos en la siembra, disminución de los rendimientos y una importante escasez de semilla.
‘Climate breakdown’: 2023 likely to be hottest year humanity has experienced in European countries
九月 10, 2023

‘Climate breakdown’: 2023 expected to be hottest year humanity has experienced

Scientists confirmed this week that summer 2023 was the hottest season the world has ever seen by a large margin. Europe is warming almost twice as fast as the global average, at about 2.2C above pre-industrial times.
Virto Group facility
九月 08, 2023

Capabilities of modern sorters illustrated with a toxic weeds challenge for green vegetables.

Toxic datura and nightshade weeds are more often harvested with crops such as green beans and baby leaf spinach, with the risk of getting into the final product. Today, advanced sorting technology is capable to deal with these challenges
EU Commission publishes legally binding food waste reduction targets for 2030
七月 24, 2023

EU Commission publishes legally binding food waste reduction targets for 2030

As part of a package of measures for a sustainable use of natural resources, the European Commission is proposing to set legally binding food waste reduction targets to be achieved by Member States (MS) by 2030.
Europatat participates in a new Horizon Europe project to protect potato plants against emerging new pests
六月 28, 2023

Europatat participates in PATAFEST, a new Horizon Europe project to protect potato plants against emerging new pests

Europatat is proud to become an active partner of a new EU Horizon Europe project called PATAFEST that aims at protecting potato plants by means of pest spreading and resistance characterisation, preharvest treatments, and post-harvest solutions.


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