
El consumo casero de platos preparados con base de patata crece en España en más de un 10%
四月 05, 2021

Home consumption of potato-based dishes increases in Spain by more than 10%

The potato has become a key garnish in the Spanish diet: from the traditional patatas bravas to the well-known Italian gnocchi or the Japanese korokke, the popularity of this tuber knows no limits, and its consumption grows year after year.
Jaren Raybould of Saint Anthony, Idaho, Potatoes USA Chairman 2021-2022
四月 05, 2021

Potatoes USA Elects 2021 -2022 Leadership

Potatoes USA, the marketing and promotion board for the U.S. potato industry, elected new leadership during the Annual Meeting on March 11, 2021. The newly elected Chairman and Executive Committee will lead the Board through 2021-2022.
Hauts-de-France: more organic potato plots despite the limited market
三月 30, 2021

Hauts-de-France: more organic potato plots despite the limited market

With the closure of restaurants and consequent decrease in factory activity, organic potatoes, just like conventional potatoes, have suffered from the Covid-19 crisis.
Patatas Meléndez aprueba un plan para asegurar la 'igualdad real y efectiva' de sus trabajadoras
三月 29, 2021

Patatas Meléndez aprueba un plan para asegurar la 'igualdad real y efectiva' de sus trabajadoras

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en el sector de la patata fresca, pone en marcha el I Plan de Igualdad con el objetivo de alcanzar la equiparación real y efectiva entre hombres y mujeres en todos los niveles de la empresa.
How flavored mashed potato manufacturer Idahoan Foods drives consumer loyalty with new households
三月 25, 2021

How flavored mashed potato manufacturer Idahoan Foods drives consumer loyalty with new households

Idahoan Foods saw sales of its dehydrated mashed potato products rise during the pandemic as consumers cooked more meals at home.
Fiebre por sembrar patatas en Salamanca
三月 22, 2021

Fiebre por sembrar patatas en Salamanca

Los hermanos Mateos -Iván y Óscar- son dos de los muchos agricultores salmantinos que aprovechan ahora para sembrar patatas.
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Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel
三月 16, 2021

Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel

La patata es un alimento delicado, que, pese a sus bondades, puede tornarse tóxico si no tenemos algunas precauciones. El motivo no es otro que los glicoalcaloides, unas sustancias que contiene este tubérculo de forma natural y que si se ingieren, pueden provocar distintos problemas para la salud.
New BühlerVision Remote Service Solution Sets New Industry Standard for Manufacturing Efficiency
三月 13, 2021

New BühlerVision Remote Service Solution Sets New Industry Standard for Manufacturing Efficiency

The new "Eyes On" solution connects customers to Bühler's remote experts for real-time maintenance and repair support. Ardent Mills recognizes its value during the year 2020.
Brasil: Estiman un aumento del 3,5% en la cosecha de papa para 2021
三月 08, 2021

Brasil: Estiman un aumento del 3,5% en la cosecha de papa para 2021

La estimación de la cosecha de papa para 2021 prevé un aumento del 3,5 porciento, según el Anuario 2020/2021 de la Revista Hortifrúti. A pesar de ello, se prevé una baja de la superficie plantada, debido a problemas de producción derivados de la pandemia.
Native Andean potato varieties analyzed: Puma Makin, Leona , Yawar Manto (first line) and Añil, Sangre de Toro and Qequrani (second line).
三月 05, 2021

Biodiversity of Native Andean Potatoes: Nutritional Profile and Phenolic Composition

The characterization of six varieties of native Andean potatoes with a wide biodiversity in tuber shape, flesh, and skin color was performed, through the determination of their proximate composition, mineral content, and phenolic profile.
Announcement on the Cancellation of the 2021 National Restaurant Association Show
三月 04, 2021

National Restaurant Association Show 2021 cancelled

Event organizers of the National Restaurant Association Show today announced the cancellation of the 2021 National Restaurant Association Show, which was scheduled to take place May 22-25 at McCormick Place in Chicago.
Corona crisis slashes Belgian potato industry in 2020. Volume of potatoes for processing lowest in three years
三月 02, 2021

Corona crisis hits Belgian potato industry hard: 2020 processing volume lowest in three years

No one could miss it in the media last year: the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Belgian potato sector hard.
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Mackie's invests in production facility to produce popped wholesums snacks

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España: Productores de patata de A Limia estudian plantar menos cantidad este año
二月 22, 2021

España: Productores de patata de A Limia estudian plantar menos cantidad este año

El sector de la patata en Xinzo siempre tuvo que capear contratiempos como el precio, la climatología y las pestes, y a todo ello se sumó en 2020 otro enemigo impredecible como es el COVID.
Innovation in German food retail trade: Europlant launches the Lower Carb Potato
二月 17, 2021

Innovation in German food retail trade: Europlant launches the Lower Carb Potato

Potato is one of the most popular foods. For many consumers, however, it contains too many carbohydrates. Europlant adapts to the low-carb nutrition trend and is now offering two potato varieties with fewer carbohydrates.
Bühler has proved reliability and robustness in 2020
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Bühler has proved reliability and robustness in 2020

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Royal Cosun closed 2020 with a slightly higher group result than in 2019.
二月 15, 2021

Aviko's parent Cosun posts slightly higher result in a challenging year

Royal Cosun (parent of potato processor Aviko) closed 2020 with a slightly higher group result than in 2019. Aviko had an exceptionally turbulent year. Lockdowns exerted pressure on Aviko’s turnover in the foodservice channel, whereas other business groups benefited directly or indirectly from higher sales in the retail channel.


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