Variety Name: ApacheRights Holder | Breeder: ZELA J. DOIGCountry of Origin: United Kingdom 英国Year of of introduction: 2011

Apache has a very striking appearance. It has small round tubers with a distinctive red skin dotted with cream-coloured patches with a lovely smooth texture. Scrubbed and cooked whole, Apache makes a delicious change from traditional roast potatoes. The contrasting colours stay bright if blanched before roasting whole in their skins, giving an excellent buttery flavour.

  • Very attractive parti coloured red tubers 
  • Table, Pre-pack & Roasting 
  • Good yields of yellow fleshed potatoes  

Tuber Characteristics

  • Tuber skin colour: Red 
  • Tuber eye colour: Red 
  • Primary tuber flesh colour: White 
  • Tuber shape: Oval 
  • Tuber eye depth: Shallow 
  • Tuber skin texture: Rough

Companies Offering this Variety