Area, Yield and Production of Potatoes in Poland. (*) :Estimate and forecast by the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics in Warsaw (Source: Central Statistical Office of Poland)
GAIN Report on Potatoes and Potato Products 2015 in Poland

According to the GAIN report "Poland - Fresh Potatoes and Products. Annual 2015"- published on November 27, 2015 - the 2015 Potato production in Poland dropped 13% compared to last year to 6.7 million metric tons, due to average unfavorable weather conditions.
The potato production in 2016 is forecast to increase in comparison with 2015 despite stable planting area. In 2016 upward trend in production of French fries and chips is expected. Production of fresh potatoes dedicated for processing will increase.
Potato production in Poland
In MY 2015/16 the area of potato plantings in Poland increased by 11.2 percent compared to MY 2014/15, and amounted to 308,000 hectares. Potato acreage increased due to the higher profitability of potato production after very low farm gate prices in the 2014/15 MY.
In 2015 average weather conditions were not favorable for potato plantings and were very diverse, depending on the region of Poland. Weather conditions were better for early potatoes and less favorable for later varieties. Average yield was estimated at 21.7 MT (Metric Tons) per HA (hectares). In 2015 the total domestic potato production amounted to 6,680,000 MT, 13.1 percent lower as compared to 2014. Crop quality was very diverse according to the region. August 2015 was a decisive month for harvest results and quality of the crop. Due to heavy drought, average potatoes were smaller than normal and had below normal moisture. 25 percent of the fields dedicated to processed product are irrigated. In some regions there was no water supply even with irrigation systems. About 55 percent of the harvest is expected to be sold through market channels (wholesale, local markets, exports). The rest of harvest is used on farms for both human and animal consumption.
Potato Consumption in Poland
Poland is a fresh potato market. Human consumption shows a constant downward trend due to changes in lifestyles and food consumption patterns. Processed potato products consumption is increasing. The processing industry – for both human consumption and industrial usage - consumes about 20 percent of total supply (country crops plus imports). For MY 2014/15 consumption of potato products (potato equivalent) is estimated at16.6 kg per capita, while consumption of fresh potatoes is at 84.4 kg per capita. For MY 2015/16 the consumption of processed potatoes is expected to increase while that for fresh potatoes will be much lower based on recent trends. Despite the downward trend in fresh potato consumption Poland still holds the highest per capita consumption in Europe.
Potato Processing in Poland
In 2014 production of both frozen potato products and potato chips in Poland increased in comparison with 2013, after some years of stable production in 2012-13.

Poland's Potato Products output, in thousands metric tons. (*) Values for 2015 are a forecast of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics (Source: Central Statistical Office of Poland)
For 2015 production of French fries is forecast 2 percent higher than in 2014 and is expected to reach 225,000 MT.