
 Say potato
七月 08, 2010

Prijzen Agrico pootgoedpool hoger dan verwacht

Aardappelcoöperatie Agrico maakt deze week in diverse telersbijeenkomsten de uitbetalingsprijzen over oogst 2009 bekend. De poolprijs is uitgekomen op € 24,69 per 100 kg over alle geleverde pootaardappelen. Door de hoge opbrengsten viel de financiële o...
 Say potato Say Agrico
七月 08, 2010

Agrico verwacht hogere aardappelprijzen voor 2010;presenteert pool resultaten 2009

Aardappelcoöperatie Agrico heeft afgelopen week de resultaten van oogst 2009 gepresenteerd aan haar leden. Agria kwam als grootste industriepool van Agrico uit op € 10,24 per 100 kg en een hectareopbrengst van € 5.980. Het ras Gourmandine was met € 21,...
Saragota potato chips
七月 08, 2010

Saratoga Potato Chips LLC sets up U.S. Headquarters in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Saratoga Potato Chips, LLC announced today that it will locate its U.S. headquarters here, creating up to 175 new jobs by 2013.The Canadian company, which produces retailer brand potato chips, kettle chips and popcorn, will invest $4.9 million to lease...
 Manter high speed potato weigher 16000
七月 08, 2010

Manter introduces high speed potato weigher 16000

Manter International, manufacturer of weighing and packaging machines, has a new model added to the package.  Especially for large packers it is important to deliver quickly large numbers of packages in a short time. The available floor area is usuall...
 Focus on Potato
七月 08, 2010

'Focus on Potato' offers webcasts and science backed information for crop protection

The Plant Management Network (PMN), a nonprofit publisher of applied agricultural and horticultural information, announces the launch of  Focus on Potato, a resource that features webcasts and other science-backed information tools that will help potat...
七月 08, 2010

Alerta por posible plaga que ataca cultivos de papa

Autoridades fitosanitarias del país están en alerta por la posible llegada de un insecto que ataca los cultivos de papa. Esta plaga conocida como paratrioza, se alimenta de las hojas y las flores de la papa y es transmisor de múltiples enfermedades, ...
七月 08, 2010

Emisiones en Internet sobre protección de cultivos

La Red de Manejo de Cultivos (PMN, por sus siglas en ingles), una editorial sin fines de lucro con información agrícola y hortícola, anuncia el lanzamiento de "Focus on Potato", un recurso en ingles con emisiones por Internet y otras herramie...
七月 08, 2010

Othello welcomes potato growers and scientists

Potato growers and scientists from Washington, Oregon and Idaho congregated at Washington State University’s Othello Research facility at Cox and Booker roads during Potato Field Day June 24 to exchange pertinent facts about pest control and water mana...
 McCain Foods Limited
七月 07, 2010

McCain Foods introduces SAP Consumer Products business software

McCain Foods Limited, one of Canada’s most recognizable global brands and the manufacturer of frozen food products such as french fries, appetizers, pizzas, vegetables, desserts, juices, entrees and oven meals, has selected the SAP® for Consumer Produc...
七月 07, 2010

2009: Bad year for potatoes, good year for sorting equipment manufacturer BEST

During the International Potato Processing and Storage Convention (IPPSC), recently held in Edinburgh, Scotland the Belgian Electronic Sorting Technology (BEST), manufacturer of electronic sorting equipment, looked back at the European potato harvest o...
七月 07, 2010

FDA invites comments on law requiring posting of calories

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced that it is inviting the public to submit comments and information to help the agency implement a new federal law that requires the posting of calorie content and other nutrition information on menu ...
七月 07, 2010

Late blight found in Walsh Country, North Dakota

Despite hot dry weather, Late Blight was found in a field in northern Walsh County in northeast North Dakota late last week.This is in addition to finds in Dickey County in southeast North Dakota and in the Carberry and Carman areas of southern Manitob...


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