News on The Potato Supply Chain

Argentina: Sector productivo en contra de la aprobación de la papa transgénica 'Spunta Ticar'
January 18, 2021

Argentina: Sector productivo en contra de la aprobación de la papa transgénica 'Spunta Ticar'

El primer transgénico nacional aprobado para consumo humano directo finalmente fue aprobado, a pesar de la oposición de toda la cadena vinculada al cultivo.
R.Dominicana: Productores de Constanza denuncian crisis por importaciones
January 18, 2021

R.Dominicana: Productores de Constanza denuncian crisis por importaciones

Productores organizados de Constanza denunciaron que los principales cultivos de ese municipio atraviesan por la peor crisis de sus historia, como consecuencia de las importaciones masivas, autorizadas por el Ministerio de Agricultura.
INIFAP desarrolla variedades de papa resistentes a enfermedades y alta calidad industrial
January 18, 2021

INIFAP desarrolla variedades de papa resistentes a enfermedades y alta calidad industrial

El mejoramiento genético de la papa por parte de los expertos del organismo, que sintetiza 80 años de investigación en México, ha logrado rendimientos de 50 a 70 toneladas por hectárea.
Potato giant Albert Bartlett bags profits rise
January 16, 2021

Potato company Albert Bartlett sees profits rise

Albert Bartlett, one of Scotland’s best-known potato companies, enjoyed a boost in sales and profits last year.
‘Stop/start’ harvest results in challenging year for Irish potato growers
January 16, 2021

‘Stop/start’ harvest results in challenging year for Irish potato growers

Not getting the maincrop harvest completed until the days directly before Christmas has added considerably to the production costs incurred during 2020 by some potato growers.
Criminals use potato exports to African countries to launder money
January 16, 2021

Dutch criminals have used potato exports to African countries to launder money

Dutch criminals are increasingly using exports to Africa to launder money which is subsequently invested in diamonds and gold from the continent, FIOD chief Bert Langerak has said.
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January 15, 2021

Beltza potato, developed by Neiker, reaches the market

It is a variety registered by Neiker to help the agricultural sector with innovative products to diversify and adapt to the demands of consumers.
Researchers identified and characterized potato dry rot and potato wilt pathogens in Algeria
January 15, 2021

Researchers identified and characterized potato dry rot and potato wilt pathogens in Algeria

Among the 152 isolates collected from symptomatic potato plants and tubers in different provinces in Algeria, 13 species of Fusarium and Neocosmospora were identified.
January 15, 2021

Potato production in Spain, during 2020, falls by 5.1% to stand at 2.1 million tons

With the data offered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food on the crop, the 2020 potato campaign in Spain can be considered closed with two conflicting data.
DOWNS CropVision®: The new generation of Potato Optical Sorter for Unwashed Potatoes
January 12, 2021

DOWNS introduces CropVision®: an Optical Sorter for Unwashed Potatoes

DOWNS introduces CropVision®: an Optical Sorter for Unwashed Potatoes, evaluates and categorizes potatoes using HD cameras combined with AI and splits them into three streams, at a capacity of up to 100 tons per hour.
Buscan desarrollar el cultivo de papas en zonas cordilleranas de San Juan y San Rafael
January 12, 2021

Buscan desarrollar el cultivo de papas en zonas cordilleranas de San Juan y San Rafael, Argentina

En el marco de los diferentes trabajos que lleva a cabo el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, se está desarrollando una experiencia para la plantación de papa en zonas cordilleranas de San Juan y San Rafael.
Se espera un incremento de la superficie de cultivo de patatas en Brasil impulsado por el segmento industrial
January 11, 2021

Brasil: Perspectivas para la papa en el 2021

Se prevé que este año la superficie total de producción de patatas en Brasil aumentará un 3,4 porciento, impulsada principalmente por el segmento de la patata destinada a la industria procesadora, que se espera que vuelva a crecer después de mantenerse estable en 2020.
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Red potato pulp: an innovative ingredient for gluten-free bread
January 11, 2021

Red potato pulp: an innovative ingredient for gluten-free bread

Starch-based gluten-free bread (formulations containing a mixture of corn and potato starch with hydrocolloids) are deficient in nutrients and do not contain health promoting compounds.
Ucrania: La superpotencia agraria vuelve a quedarse sin patatas
January 11, 2021

Ucrania: La superpotencia agraria vuelve a quedarse sin patatas

En Ucrania, justo antes del Año Nuevo, según los resultados de la auditoría, hicieron un descubrimiento inesperado: prácticamente no quedaban patatas en las instalaciones de almacenamiento.
October – December retail potato sales in the US show continued growth
January 10, 2021

Record Retail Potato Sales in the United States continues in Q4

Record potato retail sales continued from October to December 2020, the second quarter of Potatoes USA’s marketing year 2021. All three months saw an increase in both dollar and volume sales, with the largest growth in December.
Idaho Potato Conference goes virtual this year
January 10, 2021

Idaho Potato Conference goes virtual this year

Given the unusual times of a global pandemic, the Idaho Potato Conference shifted from the annual in-person conference held in Pocatello to three days of virtual presentations.
Goodbye to potato late blight
January 10, 2021

Bangladesh imports two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial

Bangladesh is importing two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial. Success will save 20% yield loss and Tk100C in fungicide cost.
Follow potato regulations now or risk jail – Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui
January 08, 2021

Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui (Kenya) gets tough on potato regulations

The Nakuru County Government has announced that implementation of the potato regulations including the 50kg packaging rule is in force and must be adhered to immediately.


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