News on The Potato Supply Chain

 Universiteit Gent
September 16, 2010

Vlaamse instellingen starten onderzoeksproject naar Phytophthora-resistente aardappelen

De UGent, ILVO, VIB en HoGent kondigen een samenwerking aan rond een onderzoeksproject naar duurzame, genetisch gewijzigde Phytophthora-resistente aardappelen.
September 16, 2010

"Unica", variedad colombiana especial para papa frita, gana terreno en Ecuador a la ‘chola’, la ‘capiro’ y la ‘betina’

Las papas fritas son un elemento indispensable en la cultura gastronómica del Ecuador y la base de un negocio que se ve en cualquier parte: la venta de las conocidas ‘salchipapas’. Basta con recorrer establecimientos educativos, centros comerciales o ...
September 16, 2010

Pressure on Canadian government for limits on salt in food

Canada's provincial health ministers are ordering up mandatory sodium limits for packaged and prepared foods if voluntary measures don't shake out as hoped -- and are urging Ottawa to adopt the new targets.
September 15, 2010

The Netherlands: 'Potato market dominated by insecurity'

Russia considers zero rate potato imports to deal with shortage
September 15, 2010

Russia considers zero rate potato imports to deal with shortage

Russia will have to import over 4 million tonnes of potato according to Agriculture Minister, Elena Skrynnik, following a pessimistic forecast of the drought impact on potato crops. Skrynnik said the drought would cause major potato losses.
September 14, 2010

HZPC neemt nieuw energiezuinig kassencomplex in gebruik

De burgemeester van Dongeradeel, mevrouw M. Waanders, heeft onder belangstelling van alle HZPC-medewerkers het nieuwe kassencomplex van HZPC in Metslawier formeel in gebruik gesteld.
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 North-western European Potato Growers
September 14, 2010

De NEPG verwacht meer dan 2 miljoen ton minder aardappelen

De NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers), de vijf landen met de belangrijkste aardappelproductie, hebben berekend dat de totale consumptieaardappelenoogst 2 miljoen ton minder zal zijn dan vorig jaar.
 Globodera Rostochiensis (Courtesy:
September 14, 2010

Western Australia declared Potato Cyst Nematode free

After a battle lasting almost 25 years, Western Australia's $45 million potato industry has been declared free of the devastating potato cyst nematode (PCN).
September 14, 2010

Predict rainfall and win with Walkers Rainy day contest

United Kingdom's Potato chip manufacturer Walkers is making sure that every cloud has a silver lining this autumn by giving out heaps of cash whenever the heavens open.
 Potassium in Potato
September 14, 2010

Consumption of 'good' potassium salt can reduce population blood pressure levels

An increased intake of 'good' potassium salts could contribute significantly to improving blood pressure at the population level. The favourable effect brought about by potassium is even estimated to be comparable with the blood pressure reduction ach...
September 13, 2010

Colorado’s fresh potato industry set for rebound

The fast-approaching 2010-11 potato season in the San Luis Valley of Colorado could be the antidote for the lingering headaches grower-shippers have been suffering in the wake of the 2009-10 deal.
 McCain Foods
September 13, 2010

McCain Foods Australia and South East Potato growers settle contract

Another price cut in a contract settled yesterday between South East potato growers and major potato-processing company McCain Foods Australia has threatened to wipe-out the industry if the downturn continues, according to potato producers in the region.
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 Hungry Jack Mashed Potato
September 13, 2010

Hungry Jack & Celebrity Chef Adam Gertler Challenge Americans to Put Down the Shopping List & 'Use up the Box'

Who says a box of pancake mix can only make pancakes?
September 13, 2010

Idaho 2009 potato crop revised up

Final disposition numbers show Idaho’s 2009 potato crop totalling 133 million cwt, an increase of 1.1 percent from earlier estimates.
Agrotechniek Holland 2010
September 12, 2010

Agrotechniek Holland groot succes met meer dan 50.000 bezoekers

Het nieuwe agro-evenement AgroTechniek Holland was uiterst succesvol.
 Potato Council
September 10, 2010

Toolbox approach to potato storage suggested

Potato growers and store managers should take a ‘toolbox’ approach to tackling potato storage, according to Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research head, Adrian Cunnington.
September 10, 2010

BASF Plant Science identifies case of low level comingling in Amflora fields in Sweden

BASF Plant Science identified extremely small quantities of Amadea potatoes in Amflora fields planted in Northern Sweden during the course of the regular in-house quality controls.
 Potato Council
September 10, 2010

Potato Council Calls In Clarion Communications To Promote Fresh Potatoes

Potato Council, a division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), has appointed Clarion Communications to head up a three-year campaign to promote fresh potatoes.


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