News on The Potato Supply Chain

July 29, 2011

Nieuwe aardappelen worden goedkoop

De prijs van de nieuwe aardappelen stort in. In nauwelijks een maand is hij meer dan gehalveerd. Voor 100 kg krijgen de telers nog 5 euro plus btw. Eind juni was dat nog 13 euro plus btw. (Belgapom notering 5 augustus, 2011). Een reden voor de snelle ...
No human required: driverless tractors now a reality
July 29, 2011

No human required: driverless tractors now a reality

Kinze® Manufacturing, Inc. today unveiled an innovative solution to increase productivity on the farm—the Kinze Autonomy Project. The technology, which is the first of its kind in row crop production worldwide, utilizes autonomous agricultural equipmen...
July 29, 2011

Grote schade door rot in Zuidwesten van Nederland

In het zuidwesten van Nederland lijden enkele telers grote schade door rot in aardappelen, peen en knolselderij. In de rest van het land zijn geen problemen van rottende gewassen door de regen. Het probleem speelt op de Zuid-Hollandse eilanden en het ...
 Hollow heart in potato (Courtesy of Manitoba Agriculture
July 28, 2011

Groot risico op holheid in aardappelen dit jaar

Holheid is het verschijnsel waarbij midden in de aardappelknol een holte aanwezig is die aan de buitenkant niet te zien is. Tegen holheid is nu niets meer te doen. Er zijn 2 vormen bekend: bij de ene sterft het weefsel in de kern van de knol af en v...
July 27, 2011

Potandon Produce to be exclusive marketing agent for Campbell Farms

Potandon Produce will be the exclusive marketing agent for Campbell Farms fresh potatoes. Under this arrangement, Potandon will focus on the marketing and sales of the Campbell Farms crop, which will enable Campbell Farms to focus on quality, farming, ...
 2012 NRA Show
July 27, 2011

NRA Show 2012 moved to new dates

The National Restaurant Association has decided to move up the NRA show 2012 to avoid overlap with the Global G8 and NATO Summit. Those events are set for May 15 through 22, 2012. The 2012 National Restaurant Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show w...
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 Asiago Souffle Crimson Potatoes
July 27, 2011

Idaho Potato Commission Partners with The Culinary Roadshow in Internationally-Inspired Cooking Competition

Twenty of Harvard University’s finest foodservice professionals recently competed in a recipe contest to transform Idaho® potatoes, a beloved American staple, into mouth-watering masterpieces with an international flair.
July 26, 2011

Potato farmers in Lebanon suffer another dismal season

Lebanese Potato farmers looking to recover losses made during an unseasonably dry harvest season last year have had their hopes dashed, as prices of the produce plummet to below total costs by roughly LL150 per kilogram. The year’s first potato harves...
July 26, 2011

Inventan sistema para inspeccionar toda la producción de papa (no sólo una muestra) y así garantizar su calidad

El investigador de la Escola Superior de Enxeñería Informática Ángel Dacal ha desarrollado un nuevo sistema que permitirá inspeccionar toda la producción de patata, y no sólo una muestra, para garantizar la calidad de los tubérculos. La innovadora tec...
July 25, 2011

USDA: US potato acreage up 6%

Potato growers across the United States planted an estimated 1.08 million acres of potatoes in all four seasons of the 2011 crop year, up 6 percent from the previous year. Area for harvest, forecasted at 1.07 million acres, is also up 6 percent from 2010.
 EAPR 2011
July 25, 2011

Solynta presenteert doorbraak in aardappelveredeling tijdens EAPR

Op het EAPR congres dat vandaag begint in Oulu, Finland, presenteert Pim Lindhout, Solynta: A new paradigm in potato breeding. Het bedrijf Solynta is er in geslaagd om in nauwe samenwerking met de Wageningen Universiteit inteeltlijnen van aardappel te ...
EAPR 2011
July 25, 2011

Solynta presents breakthrough potato breeding technology

At the conference of the European Association of Potato Research (EAPR) starting today, the Dutch company Solynta will present their breakthrough in potato breeding.
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July 25, 2011

Rudolph potatoes promoted by PR agency Ceres

Fenmarc has appointed food PR agency Ceres for the launch of its new season Rudolph potatoes. Reading based Ceres will be expected to run an integrated trade PR campaign, which will include adverts and the launch of a microsite. The campaign will aim...
Protest against GM Potatoes in Norwich
July 25, 2011

Protest against GM Potatoes in Norwich

Dozens of campaigners against genetically modified food have staged a protest in Norwich city centre. Passers-by were offered chips made from non-genetically modified potatoes before the protest moved on to the John Innes Institute on the outskirts of...
July 24, 2011

Marktprijs vroege aardappelen flink lager

De marktprijs van vroege aardappelen is in korte tijd flink gezakt. Is in week 28 voor 35 mm opw. vroege aardappelen nog € 9,45 tot € 10,00 per 100 kg (excl. BTW) genoteerd, deze week is dat niet meer dan € 7,50 tot € 9,00. Ook de Belgapomnotering voor...
July 24, 2011

Nederland verwerkt minder aardappelen in juni

In de maand juni werd 274.000 ton aardappelen verwerkt, minder dan in juni vorig seizoen, toen 293.000 ton aardappelen verwerkt werden. Totaal over de periode juli 2010 t/m juni 2011 werd 3.438,300 ton aardappelen verwerkt, 91.400 ton meer dan over de ...
July 23, 2011

William Chase: Potato farmer who struck gold

It's not often your nostrils are assaulted by the overwhelming stench of booze when you enter a company's headquarters. But when you open the door to William Chase's office, it's as if you have walked into a distillery. And that's because ... you have....
July 23, 2011

Outlook for Idaho's potato crop good

Though it’s still early in the season, the outlook for Southeast Idaho’s staple crops — potatoes, wheat and barley, said Tom Kurtz, deputy director for the Idaho field office of the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. “It’s going to defin...


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