News on The Potato Supply Chain

January 18, 2012

Researcher says zebra chip not likely to spread through seed

A potato disease that arrived late this summer in the Pacific Northwest called zebra chip likely can't be spread by planting infected seed, new research suggests.
January 17, 2012

France to step up promotion of export potatoes says CNIPT president

France must be able to keep its position as EU’ largest potatoes exporter. This year the country will have to market over one million tons of potatoes.
January 17, 2012

Un tercio de las cosechas de Canarias peligran por la sequía

Los agricultores canarios advierten de que los cultivos de secano –los que dependen expresamente de la lluvia para su riego– peligran si persiste la sequía en las próximas tres semanas.
January 17, 2012

Grower turned inventor focuses on affordability with potato sorter

Few people know better than Greg Jones how important it is to sort and grade potatoes accurately and quickly.
January 17, 2012

Exports thriving for Scottish seed potato growers

Although other parts of the potato industry are in the doldrums, with lower returns than last year and much higher rejection percentages on account of the wet summer and lifting season, Scottish seed potato growers are busy exporting.
January 17, 2012

Raming Britse aardappelproductie naar beneden bijgesteld

De schattingen voor de Britse aardappelproductie in het seizoen 2011/12 zijn naar beneden bijgesteld
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January 16, 2012

Potatoes: The misunderstood vegetable

An image problem continues to trouble all sectors of the spud industry, according to the Alliance for Potato Research and Education
School project: Grow your own potatoes
January 16, 2012

British potato growers urged to reconnect with schools

The British potato industry is being encouraged to get behind two educational projects from Potato Council, to ensure that potatoes continue to feature in the daily lives of the nation. Grow Your Own Potatoes is now in its eighth year.
January 16, 2012

BASF moves unit to US after Europe rebuffs scientific potato

BASF SE, the maker of the Amflora scientific potato, is moving the plant-science unit that genetically modifies crops to the U.S. from Germany after European consumers resisted the technology.
January 16, 2012

Retailers in Ireland warned to address potato sector crisis

Ahead of an emergency meeting in the Irish Farm Centre to address the crisis in the potato sector, IFA President John Bryan said growers are facing wipeout as retailers and packers pocket up to 80% of the final consumer price and farmers go broke.
January 16, 2012

New potato varieties give hope to Tanzania farmers

A recent case study by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) showcases a new effort to produce high quality seed potatoes for farmers in Tanzania.
January 16, 2012

Research into use of bioinsecticides for control of potato tuber moth in Costa Rica

Yannery Gómez Bonilla, a graduate in Biology from the University of Costa Rica, has done research for her PhD into the application of granulovirus against two species of potato tuber moth.
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 Yasheng Group
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Yasheng Group to develop its potato processing business

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