News on The Potato Supply Chain

Europatat Congress 2019 A unique and successful event for the sector!
June 14, 2019

Europatat Congress 2019 A unique and successful event for the sector!

On 13 June, the European potato community has gathered in Oslo, Norway, for the Europatat Congress 2019. Under the slogan “The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food”.
España: La polilla guatemalteca hace estragos en el cultivo de papa en Tenerife, donde hay fincas con pérdidas de hasta el 50%
June 12, 2019

España: La polilla guatemalteca hace estragos en el cultivo de papa en Tenerife, donde hay fincas con pérdidas de hasta el 50%

Los agricultores de papas de la isla de Tenerife están barajando la posibilidad de solicitar una ayuda extraordinaria para compensar las pérdidas económicas a las que tendrán que hacer frente por la alta incidencia de polilla guatemalteca.
Transfieren más de S/ 2 millones para mejorar cadena productiva de la papa
June 12, 2019

Transfieren más de S/ 2 millones para mejorar cadena productiva de la papa

El Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción (ITP) red CITE del Ministerio de la Producción (Produce), transferirá más de dos millones de soles al CITEpapa para mejorar la competitividad de la cadena productiva del tubérculo y otros cultivos andinos.
1700 Familias peruanas se benefician con proyecto promovido por Naciones Unidas y el Centro Internacional de la Papa
June 12, 2019

1700 Familias peruanas se benefician con proyecto promovido por Naciones Unidas y el Centro Internacional de la Papa

Durante el evento de presentación de los resultados el Centro Internacional de la Papa recibió el Premio a la mejor donación de FIDA en la categoría 'Gestión del conocimiento'.
Potato acreage in North-western Europe increased
June 11, 2019

Potato acreage in North-western Europe increased

Based upon a provisional estimation of the NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) the area in the 5 largest potato countries increased to 609.000 ha of consumption potatoes, a 2.4% increase.
Cornell University improves global access to potato breeding material
June 11, 2019

Cornell University improves global access to potato breeding material

Plant breeders and geneticists of Cornell University have released more than 50 potato varieties since 1908. Now they are expanding their efforts to make more wild potato seeds available to potato breeders around the world.
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Idaho potato farmers heading to Taiwan on trade mission
June 11, 2019

Idaho potato farmers heading to Taiwan on trade mission

A team of fresh Idaho potato shippers will soon head to Taiwan to develop new business relationships in the Southeast Asian market.
June 05, 2019

25% of Chinese potatoes were improved with varieties from Peru

China is the largest producer and consumer of potatoes in the world
Día Internacional de la papa: buena ocasión para recordar a los guardianes de las papas nativas. (Cortesía: Publimetro)
June 05, 2019

Los guardianes de las papas nativas

En su Día Nacional, presentamos el trabajo del Centro Internacional de la Papa en la comunidad de San José de Aymara, en Huancavelica, para preservar su diversidad.
Alemania contribuye a salvaguardar la biodiversidad de las papas peruanas
June 05, 2019

Alemania contribuye a salvaguardar la biodiversidad de las papas peruanas

Perú celebró ayer el Día Nacional de la papa, que también fue la protagonista del Día Internacional de la Biodiversidad este año. Para conservar sus variedades cuenta con el apoyo de Alemania, entre otros países.
Demand is high for new potatoes
June 04, 2019

Demand for new potatoes is high

The potato campaign continues to be quite surprising as demand for new potatoes is also very lively and prices are good.
James Gachiri, a 29 years old farmer and the Secretary-General of the forum
June 03, 2019

Youth in Kenya embraces new technology in seed potato production

Despite being a trained accountant and currently pursuing a Bachelor in Commerce, James Gachiri had a desire to become a successful potato farmer.
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MountainKing Acquires Colorado Packing Facility Focused on Smaller-Sized Potatoes
June 03, 2019

MountainKing acquires Colorado packing facility focused on smaller-sized potatoes

In response to the explosive growth and demand for smaller-sized potatoes in smaller-sized bags.
Only two years to go until the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland
June 03, 2019

Only two years to go until the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland

Ireland and a World Potato Congress are completely synonymous. Because of history and tradition, Ireland’s relationship with the potato is unique. In the late sixteenth century, the potato made its way from Peru to Ireland.
Planting report: Wet spring delays showing up in the numbers
June 03, 2019

United States Potato Planting progress: wet spring delays showing up in the numbers

Updates from the United States Department of Agriculture - National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA-NASS) on the progress of (potato) planting throughout the United States. An overview.
Potato Farmers Bangladesh suffer as a result of the huge surplus this year
May 31, 2019

Potato Farmers in Bangladesh suffer as a result of the huge surplus this year

This year, the potato harvest in Bangladesh was about 150% of what the domestic need is. As a result prices have crashed and despite the high yields, farmers suffer as the can not sell their product.
La papa es el sector más importante en la agricultura del país (Cortesía: Expreso)
May 31, 2019

La producción de papa peruana sigue en ascenso

El Centro de Innovación Productiva y Transferencia Tecnológica de la papa y otros Cultivos Andinos informó que el sector papero ha reportado crecimiento por quinto año consecutivo.
Crop and Market Report June 18, 2019
May 30, 2019

Crop and Market Report June 18, 2019

Report from the UPGC Board of Directors Meeting
held in conjunction with the Crop Transition Conference in Minneapolis


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