News on The Potato Supply Chain from Northern America

March 27, 2009

Menu-labeling bill withdrawn in Maryland

Doyle Niemann, a delegate in the Maryland General Assembly, agreed Thursday to withdraw his menu-labeling bill after it failed to draw much support from lawmakers. The Restaurant Association of Maryland, which actively opposed the measure, praised Niem...
 Organic Trade Association (OTA)
March 26, 2009

Organic Trade Association praises talks on organic equivalency agreement between U.S. and Canada

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) today expressed support and encouragement for the Canadian and U.S. governments in their efforts to reach an organic equivalency agreement. Progress on the Canadian-U.S. talks was announced yesterday at OTA’s Policy ...
 Lamb Weston Sweet Things (Sweet Potato Battered Tri-Cut Dices)
March 24, 2009

Sweet Potato Fries boost sweet potatoes in Foodservice

Three words can sum up the increasing popularity of sweet potatoes in the foodservice industry: sweet potato fries.They’re stars on restaurant menus across the country, and some fine dining establishments are pursuing different fresh-cut angles and co...
 United States Potato Board (USPB)
March 23, 2009

United States Potato Board Elects New Leadership during 2009 annual meeting

The United States Potato Board (USPB) grower membership elected new leadership during its Annual Meeting held in Denver, CO, March 10-13. The News release lists the leadership for the coming year by section.
 National Potato Council (NPC)
March 22, 2009

National Potato Council - US frozen potato exports to Mexico will decline after truck funding elimination

The National Potato Council (NPC) is calling on the Obama Administration and Congress to either reinstate the funding required to continue the pilot program allowing Mexican trucks into a limited area within U.S. border states or to quickly develop an ...
 Idaho Potato growing locations (Idaho Potato Commission)
March 20, 2009

Idaho Potato growers agree to modified contracts with Processors

Idaho potato growers have agreed to contract modifications with major processors in an effort to break an impasse with Lamb Weston, a division of ConAgra Foods.Producers voted Tuesday, March 17, to approve changes in the 2009 contracts during a meeting...
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March 19, 2009

Salt replacements could be deadly, say renal specialists

Renal specialists have called for clear labeling on products that use potassium chloride as a salt replacer because it could pose a hidden risk for dialysis patients. Potassium chloride has been seen as a potential candidate for salt replacement becaus...
March 18, 2009

University of Maine cooperative extension program saves potato farmers 17 million

Maine potato growers are thriving thanks to a late blight spraying advice offered by the University of Maine's cooperative extension program.
March 17, 2009

Potato blights develop fungicide resistance

Leaf samples taken last summer by provincial potato specialists and ag chem firm Bayer CropScience throughout Canada show "widespread"presence of fungi that have mutated to resist the fungicides used most often to control them.The sampling pr...
 United States Potato Board (USPB)
March 17, 2009

US Potato industry faces export challenges

Competition and market access are the two biggest issues facing the potato industry as it tries to expand exports.“We had been benefiting from having a weak dollar, but that has also made the cost of international programs higher,” said Bart Connors, ...
 United States Potato Board
March 12, 2009

USPB President Tim O'Connor calls for strategic approach to improve potato sales

The potato industry needs innovation to create a long-term rise in demand, U.S. Potato Board President Tim O’Connor said at the group’s annual meeting.“There’s a difference between increasing demand and just getting a temporary sales bump,” O’Connor sa...
March 11, 2009

Canola Council of Canada invest in research on health benefits of Canola oil

The Canola Council of Canada (CCC) today announced a new wave of investment - $350,000 - into research on the role of canola in the prevention and treatment of heart disease and diabetes.The announcement of funding under the Canola Product Research Fun...
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March 11, 2009

With federal funding, the potato is now a source of inspiration

Potatoes are for more than just french fries. With the federal government's aid, a nation-wide network of researchers co-ordinated from Fredericton is hoping to develop new uses for spuds - and help Canadian farmers cash in. The federal government is i...
March 11, 2009

Potato industry warns of overproduction

In a case of recent success being no guarantee of future success, potato industry officials are trying to get a message through loud and clear to growers: Don’t plant more spuds than last year.Even keeping acreage right where it is, they say, could be ...
Tri-State Potato Variety Program Releases Three New Potatoes for 2009 Growing Season
March 10, 2009

Tri-State Potato Variety Program Releases Three New Potatoes for 2009 Growing Season

When potato producers plant their seed this spring, they’ll have three new varieties to choose from: Alpine Russet, a very high-yielding, medium- to late-maturing processing potato that has a natural dormancy rivaling Russet Burbank. It can be stored...
March 10, 2009

Potato growers can keep profitable prices by thinking of the industry first

The old pattern was that fresh potato growers made healthy profits every sixth year (1989, 1995, 2001). In most other years, according to my research, growers either lost money or broke even.After the 2001 crop was marketed, prices fell for four consec...
March 05, 2009

Idaho Economist predicts potato production costs for 2009

Idaho potato farmers are likely to pay more to grow spuds this year than in 2008, despite the recent drop in diesel and nitrogen fertilizer prices."My guess is that the overall cost increase will be somewhere between zero and 5 percent,"said ...
March 04, 2009

La acrilamida en alimentos no está asociada al cancer de mama

Un nuevo estudio sugiere que una sustancia química potencialmente cancerígena presente en algunos alimentos ricos en carbohidratos no elevaría el riesgo de desarrollar tumores mamarios. La sustancia, llamada acrilamida, ganó notoriedad hace varios año...


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