News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Netherlands

Nuevo tipo de resistencia a enfermedad de la papa
February 17, 2014

Nuevo tipo de resistencia a enfermedad de la papa

Fitopatólogos de la universidad holandesa de Wageningen han descubierto un mecanismo que aumenta la resistencia a Phytophthora infestans, patógeno causante de una de las enfermedades más devastadoras de la papa, el tizón tardío.
The Agrico stand at Fruit Logistica 2014 was well-attended
February 12, 2014

Agrico looks back on a successful Fruit Logistica

From Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2014 Agrico exhibited at Fruit Logistica in Berlin. During this major and well-attended international trade show, Agrico presented its extensive range of seed and table potatoes.
HZPC's Colourful Perupas come in six types: Magenta Love, Double fun, Violet Queen, Blue Star, Violetta and Anya (Anya not shown)
February 11, 2014

HZPC introduces colourful Perupas

Last week, at the Fruit Logistica in Berlin, HZPC launched their new vegetable: Colourful Perupas! Colourful and tasty tubers with a WOW! feeling.
Agrico to celebrate sustainable choices during Fruit Logistica in Berlin
February 03, 2014

Agrico to celebrate sustainable choices during Fruit Logistica in Berlin

From Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2014 Agrico will be exhibiting at Fruit Logistica in Berlin. During this major international trade show, Agrico will be presenting its extensive range of seed and table potatoes.
HZPC certified seed potatoes
November 19, 2013

Value of certificates of potato breeder HZPC rise 9%

HZPC Holland B.V. announces that the quotation of HZPC-certificates is determined at € 85.00. This is an increase of 9% of the quotation since the last stock trading day in last May.
Agrico presents new potato varieties at the Holland Varieties Show.
November 07, 2013

Agrico presents new potato varieties at the Holland Varieties Show

On Thursday 7 November 2013 Agrico opened its annual varieties and seedlings show at its breeding and research farm, Agrico Research, in Bant.
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 Henk van den Berg
October 22, 2013

Henk van den Berg: 'Atmosphere on potato market very tense'

Last year Henk van den Berg sold his potato business of the same name to Lean Kranenburg, and since then he has been active as Sales Manager at the company in Nieuw Vennep. Henk calls the current situation on the potato market dangerous.
October 18, 2013

Potato breeder HZPC pays 1 euro dividend per certificate of share

HZPC Holland B.V., world leader in potato breeding announces that during the shareholders meeting of 10 October the financial statement was approved and the dividend of HZPC certificates was determined on 1 euro.
 Potato Prices in North Western Europe
September 12, 2013

Rabobank expects moderate Price Increases to continue in EU Potato Market

Over the next 5 years, northwest European potato prices are expected to gradually climb and elevated price volatility set to persist, according to a new report by Rabobank.
 Proradix Agro
September 11, 2013

Koppert presents test results Proradix Agro at PotatoEurope

Koppert is presenting the most recent test results for Proradix Agro at the PotatoEurope trade fair in Emmeloord, the Netherlands.
 Field Potato Sorter (FPS)
September 11, 2013

TOMRA Sorting Solutions highlights whole potato capabilities at Potato Europe

Sensor-based sorting systems pioneer TOMRA Sorting Solutions will showcase its whole potato capabilities at potato industry event Potato Europe.
Tummers redesigns potato roller dryer for high capacity
September 11, 2013

Tummers redesigns potato roller dryer for high capacity

The potato and potato processing industry is changing and Tummers is taking the lead in offering solutions in response. Up to now at most factories the potatoes have been unloaded at high capacity from the lorry, then sorted by size and stored in bunkers unwashed.
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Low potato yield in the Netherlands, according to VTA yield trials
August 26, 2013

Low potato yield in the Netherlands, according to VTA yield trials

Yield trials of the Dutch Farmers Union VTA indicate a yield mid August 19 percent below the 5-year average.
August 20, 2013

Dutch Potato Processors are taking it slow in July

The potato processing companies in the Netherlands have used significantly less potatoes in the month of July.
 KWS Potato B.V.
July 31, 2013

KWS Potato B.V. working hard to strengthen its potato business

During the last two years, KWS POTATO B.V. took huge steps to establish a new central potato breeding station near Emmeloord, Netherlands. Furthermore, the company is currently adjusting its strategic focus in breeding, seed production and sales.
 HZPC Holland bv
June 18, 2013

HZPC publiceert definitieve uitbetalingsprijs pootaardappelen Oogst 2012

HZPC Holland bv, wereldleider in aardappelveredeling, betaalt zijn pootgoedtelers in de Nederlandse pool €29,51 per 100 kilo over de oogst van 2012.
 Ploeger potato harvester
June 04, 2013

Ploeger Oxbo Group acquires Bourgoin Group

Harvester specialist the Ploeger Oxbo Group announced in June it had acquired all the shares of SAS Bourgoin Investissements, the Bourgoin Group, headquartered in Bournezeau, France.
Piet de Bruijne, director at Farm Frites
May 20, 2013

Piet de Bruijne (Farm Frites): 'Building personal relationship results in success in foreign markets'

Of course. Your product must be correct. [...] But without going there and building a personal relationship one will not be successful in a foreign market. A discussion with Piet de Bruijne of Farm Frites.


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