News on The Potato Supply Chain from Europe

[Paul Watts, mejorador del AFBI, con una muestra de las papas moradas Purple Magic
April 26, 2016

Irlanda del Norte desarrolla una potencial papa anticancer

El AFBI (Instituto de Agroalimentación y Biociencias) de Irlanda de Norte ha desarrollado una papa morada, conocida como Purple Magic. Los investigadores la desarrollaron con la esperanza de que tenga propiedades anticancerígenas debido a los efectos beneficiosos de las antocianinas (los pigmentos), que son un tipo de compuestos antioxidantes.
New technique accelerates isolation of late blight resistance genes from a wild potato relative
April 25, 2016

New technique accelerates isolation of late blight resistance genes from a wild potato relative

A team of scientists from The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) and The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) have developed a new method to accelerate isolation of plant disease resistance genes and - using their new method - a brand new source of blight resistance genes in Solanum americanum, a wild relative of the potato.
España: Siete consejos para realizar una buena siembra de papa
April 24, 2016

España: Siete consejos para realizar una buena siembra de papa

Desde el departamento agrario de Patatas Meléndez, una empresa española que basa su actividad en la innovación y en la calidad del producto, nos ofrecen diez consejos para realizar la siembra en las mejores condiciones:
Low prices, a difficulty for Greek potato producers
April 24, 2016

Low prices of imported potatoes haunt Greek potato producers

Greek potato producers, who can grow potatoes almost year round thanks to the country's favourable climatic conditions, see their sales drop due to import of cheap product from third countries such as Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia.
QV Foods plans to move March Potato Packing operation to Holbeach
April 20, 2016

QV Foods plans to move March Potato Packing operation to Holbeach

QV Foods prepares to move its March potato packing operation and consolidate all the potato business at its Holbeach site
La patata francesa inunda el mercado español y tira los precios
April 17, 2016

La patata francesa inunda el mercado español y tira los precios

Las patatas procedentes de Francia están desplazando en los mercados a las producidas en España de variedad temprana, justo cuando comienza la comercialización de este tubérculo, especialmente en las comunidades autónomas de Andalucía, Murcia y Valencia.
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AHDB Potatoes Next Generation participants voted for McCain Foods as their ‘Best Industry Host’
April 14, 2016

AHDB Potatoes Next Generation participants voted for McCain Foods as their ‘Best Industry Host’

Delegates of AHDB Potatoes first ever Next Generation Programme overwhelmingly voted McCain Foods as their ‘Best Industry Host’, presenting the award at their final session at AHDB Headquarters, Stoneleigh Park, last month.
KWS to fully focus on hybrid potato breeding; Stet Holland to buy conventional seed potato business.
April 12, 2016

KWS all in on hybrid potato breeding; Stet Holland to buy conventional seed potato business.

KWS is selling its conventional seed potato business to Stet Holland B.V. An agreement to that effect was signed yesterday. The transaction is expected to be completed by mid-2016.
Potato Storage Specialist builds mini storage for simulation and demonstration
April 11, 2016

Potato Storage Specialist Mooij Agro builds mini storage for simulation and demonstration

Dutch Potato Storage Specialist Mooij Agro has built a complete mini storage able to simulate a full scale storage facility, including all relevant settings.
Elveden Farms Ltd
April 11, 2016

Elveden Farms selected as Regional Research & Demonstration Hub for potato growers and suppliers

Elveden Farms, a West Suffolk estate is set to become a Regional Research & Demonstration Hub for potato growers and suppliers, thanks to funding from the Eastern Agri-Tech Growth Initiative.
Europatat and Freshfel Europe’s First-Ever Combined Annual Event on 2 June 2016 in Brussels will look beyond “business as usual”
April 11, 2016

Europatat & Freshfel’s First-Ever Combined Event in June 2016 in Brussels looks beyond 'business as usual'

Europatat and Freshfel Europe will jointly celebrate their first common annual meeting on 2 June 2016 in Brussels.
España: La papa necesita un consumidor activo para evitar el fraude
April 08, 2016

España: La papa necesita un consumidor activo para evitar el fraude

La papa (o patata) española tiene entre sus principales retos el de “contar con un consumidor informado y activo”, conocedor de las bondades de la patata nueva, para poner coto al “engaño” que supone el fraude en la cartelería de algunas grandes superficies. Así lo ha advertido el presidente del sector de Patata de Asociafruit, Marco Román, durante el IV Congreso de la Patata Nueva de España, celebrado en Sevilla.
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Agrico wins Ambassadors’ Prize 2016 for potato project in Kenya
April 01, 2016

Agrico wins Ambassadors’ Prize 2016 for its potato project in Kenya

Dutch Potato Company Agrico was awarded the Ambassadors’ Prize 2016 for its project in Kenya that aims to establish a profitable potato chain for all stakeholders, including 12,500 small-scale farms.
Congreso español de papa tratará fraude de etiquetado en grandes superficies
March 30, 2016

Congreso español de papa tratará fraude de etiquetado en grandes superficies

Expertos, científicos e investigadores analizarán temas de especial importancia para el sector de la patata en el IV Congreso de Patata Nueva de España, que se desarrollará el 8 de abril en San José de la Rinconada (Sevilla), en los que destaca el fraude o publicidad engañosa en la identificación y etiquetado de la patata nueva en las grandes superficies y cadenas de distribución.
[Video] Así se controla a la polilla guatemalteca en Canarias
March 25, 2016

[Video] Así se controla a la polilla guatemalteca en Canarias

La Universidad de la Laguna en las Islas Canarias (España) adelanta un proyecto con varios agricultores para controlar biológicamente a la polilla guatemalteca.
Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control
March 21, 2016

Durably resistant potatoes with wild potato genes offer 80% reduction in chemical control

Research to develop potatoes with sustainable resistance against phytophthora via genetic modification with genes from wild potatoes and good resistance management ended with the publication of the scientific results. The approach resulted in potato plants which require 80% less chemical control.
Avebe potato harvest campaign 15/16 in its final stage
March 18, 2016

Avebe potato harvest campaign 15/16 in its final stage

Avebe's potato harvest campaign has entered its final stage. The last potatoes are due to be delivered to the production location in Ter Apelkanaal this week.
HZPC stelt prognoseprijs vast op € 29,50
March 10, 2016

HZPC stelt prognoseprijs vast op € 29,50

HZPC Holland bv, wereldleider in aardappelveredeling, heeft de prognoseprijs over Oogst 2015 vastgesteld en verwacht zijn pootgoedtelers in Nederland € 29,50 per 100 kilo te betalen.


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