News on The Potato Supply Chain from Europe

Tesco launches Best in Season: Italian New Potatoes
October 20, 2016

Tesco launches Best in Season: Italian New Potatoes

Italian seasonal new potatoes will be launched into Tesco this autumn on the back of new research showing that consumers want freshly harvested new potatoes all year round.
Partnership between Tesco and Branston helps to reduce potato waste
October 20, 2016

Partnership between Tesco and Branston helps to reduce potato waste

Branston, one of the biggest potato suppliers in the United Kingdom, has officially opened its £5 million prepared potato factory extension in partnership with Tesco.
Blackleg and Brexit under the Spotlight at AHDB Potatoes Seed Industry Event
October 11, 2016

Blackleg and Brexit under the Spotlight at AHDB Potatoes Seed Industry Event

AHDB Potatoes will use this year’s Seed Industry Event on 3 November to review the industry’s current approach to controlling blackleg. The biennial conference, held this year in St Andrews, will also provide growers with an insight into the potential impact of Brexit, and scope out the potato market, both at home and abroad.
Mooij Agro provides a breath of fresh air at Interpom | Primeurs with its EC Axial 1000 fan
October 11, 2016

Mooij Agro provides a breath of fresh air at Interpom | Primeurs with its EC Axial 1000 fan

Mooij Agro developed a new and larger axial flow EC fan in cooperation with Klima, especially suitable for onion and potato storage projects where low energy use is a priority.
Ainhoa y Jone, creadoras de Gastheiz, la cerveza que completa el trío de capitales cerveceras
October 02, 2016

España: Una cerveza del País Vasco hecha con papa

Dos jóvenes gasteiztarras se lanzan al mercado cervecero con una propuesta muy peculiar: cerveza a base de papa.
NEPG aardappeloogst verwachting: Meer hectares, minder opbrengst, onzekerheid
September 21, 2016

NEPG aardappeloogst verwachting: Meer hectares, minder opbrengst, onzekerheid

De North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) verwachten in de 5 aangesloten landen een lagere aardappel oogst in vergelijking met vorig
seizoen: 24,9 miljoen ton in 2016, vergeleken met 25,3 miljoen ton in 2015.
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Strict Potato labeling in Hungary mandates inclusion of variety and cooking-type
September 14, 2016

Strict Potato labeling in Hungary mandates inclusion of variety and cooking-type

According to information from the press office of the Agricultural Ministry, a new mandatory labelling regulation applies, starting September, to all potatoes sold in Hungary, whether packaged or sold in bulk.
Bayer to Acquire Monsanto
September 14, 2016

Bayer to Acquire Monsanto

Bayer and Monsanto today announced that they signed a definitive merger agreement under which Bayer will acquire Monsanto for USD 128 per share in an all-cash transaction.
Potato Europe 2016: Grimme to present many practical improvements of its planting, harvesting and handling technology.
September 13, 2016

Potato Europe 2016: Grimme to present many practical improvements of its planting, harvesting and handling technology.

Agricultural Machinery manufacturer Grimme will present at the Potato Europe in France several practical improvements of its planting, harvesting and handling technology.
Seminar at Potato Europe: 'Reshaping the World of Potato Business'
September 11, 2016

Seminar at Potato Europe: 'Reshaping the World of Potato Business'

Potato Processing International magazine will host a seminar on September 15, starting at 2:30 PM, during the Potato Europe event in France.
Potato Beetles invade Austrian village
September 10, 2016

Potato Beetles invade Austrian village

Hundreds of thousands of potato beetles which made life miserable for residents of the small village of Hüttendorf in Lower Austria for a week have vanished as quickly as they appeared.
Papa consumo vendida a granel
September 09, 2016

España: Canarias recibirá papa británica sin haber vendido la suya

La oferta traída de Reino Unido, con contenedores despachados estos días en los puertos canarios, pertenece a las variedades blanca redonda y 'King Edward'.
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Bayer raises offer to buy Monsanto
September 06, 2016

Bayer raises offer to buy Monsanto

Bayer AG raised its offer to buy Monsanto Co. and create a new global leader in seeds and pesticides, though the German firm said the higher price depended on achieving a 'negotiated transaction.'
La nueva papa checo-latinoamericana será más sabrosa y resistente
August 30, 2016

La nueva papa checo-latinoamericana será más sabrosa y resistente

Científicos checos están examinando patatas traídas de América Latina con el fin de ennoblecer la especie centroeuropea. La nueva variedad, que debería ser más sabrosa y resistente, podría deleitar el paladar de los checos dentro de unos 10 años.
Belgapom now provides pricing for potato varieties Challenger and Fontane in addition to Bintje
August 28, 2016

Belgapom now provides pricing for potato varieties Challenger and Fontane in addition to Bintje

Starting from the 2016 – 2017 season, the Belgapom quotation will be made up of three parts, each supplemented by their own market sentiment: Bintje, Challenger and Fontane.
Satisfactory end of the early potato season for Lower Saxony, Germany
August 28, 2016

Satisfactory end of the early potato season for Lower Saxony, Germany

The 2016 early potato season ended on the 10th of August. And according to the Lower Saxony Potato Producers Association the early potato harvest was satisfactory.
Aviko Potato provides detailed information on the development of the potato crop
August 23, 2016

Aviko Potato provides detailed information on the development of the 2016 potato crop

Yearly Aviko Potatoes follows the progress of the potato crop through regular sampling and the resulting data are shared publicly based on their commitment to transparency. PotatoPro took a closer look.
Croatian Potato Growers unable to compete with imports form France and Germany
August 22, 2016

Croatian Potato Growers unable to compete with imports from France and Germany

Consumers in Croatia say that local potatoes should not be more expensive than German or French potatoes.


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