News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

November 09, 2009

En Perú buscan consolidar cadena productiva de la papa y modernizar imagen del tubérculo como bien comercial

Debido al reducido apoyo comercial recibido, el consumo de la papa había disminuido de manera significativa en las últimas décadas;pero esta situación comenzó a cambiar hace un par de años con diversas iniciativas –tanto del sector público como del pri...
November 07, 2009

Buying potatoes and peas no longer restricted for Cubans

In Cuba, potatoes and peas were removed from a list of rationed foods, permitting Cubans to buy as much of the products as they want. Previously, Cubans were entitled to buy up to four pounds of potatoes and 10 ounces of peas a month, with prices set v...
 1st Washington Oregon Potato Conference 2010
November 06, 2009

Results in nutrition research to be featured at Washington-Oregon Potato Conference

Potatoes have long been an important and economical source of energy, nutrition and satiety in the American diet. As one of the top three vegetable carbohydrates consumed by humans on the planet, chances are potatoes will continue to fill that role in ...
November 06, 2009

United Potato Growers of Idaho CEO resigns

United Potato Growers of Idaho has lost its leader, and now the organization is considering whether or not to stay in business. Jerry Wright, chief executive officer of the Idaho Falls-based organization, resigned Nov. 3 to pursue other opportunities...
 JR Simplot
October 29, 2009

Simplot and Blue Source Alliance Helps Growers Capture Carbon Opportunities

International food and agribusiness leader J. R. Simplot Company and leading emissions reduction project developer and offset marketer, Blue Source LLC, today announced the formation of a strategic alliance to assist American farmers interested in enga...
October 28, 2009

Some Red River Valley potatoes could go unharvested

Wet fields in North Dakota and Minnesota’s Red River Valley will mean some potatoes will go unharvested, according to an industry official. As of Oct. 28, 4,400 acres of spuds in the valley had yet to be harvested, said Ted Kreis, marketing and commun...
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 Prince Edward Island Potato Board
October 23, 2009

Rain causes more delays in Prince Edward Island Potato harvest

Delays in P.E.I. potato harvest operations are getting even worse after heavy rains continued to plague the island Thursday night.The recent wet weather has put some farmers close to two weeks behind schedule, and more rain is expected on the weekend, ...
Deep River Snacks is known for its colorful line of kettle cooked potato chips
October 22, 2009

Deep River Snacks added to portfolio Beverage Distributor Giant, Big Geyser

Deep River Snacks, a family owned and operated gourmet snack food company recently announced signing an agreement with Big Geyser, New York city’s largest independent non-alcoholic beverage distributors.Deep River Snacks product line of all natural sna...
October 22, 2009

Potato Seminar Explores Menu Innovation

To drive menu innovation in America's leading restaurant chains, the U.S. Potato Board is conducting a seminar series at the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone.This year's seminar, held from September 27 to 29, attracted 15 of the nation's most...
 Supermarket guru
October 21, 2009

Should you be slashing your prices?

Is the broad-based discount strategy that many large chain supermarkets have employed to draw in business and increase purchases a good strategy?.The Lempert Report believes that by proclaiming price cuts on thousands of items, chains run the risk of u...
Potato harvest slow on Prince Edward Island.
October 19, 2009

Potato harvest slow on Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island potato growers are being hampered by the elements as they try to harvest the most expensive crop ever planted.Usually, harvest is half done by Oct. 15, with Oct. 31 being the typical deadline to avoid the risk of frost damage. But ...
 Northern Plains Potato Growers Association
October 16, 2009

Wintry weather yields mixed results for U.S. potato crops

The wintry weather with which October announced itself in much of the United States this year has had little overall effect on potato movement.The biggest impact may have been felt in North Dakota. About 5 million pounds of spuds shipped from the state...
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 Idaho Potatoes Areas
October 15, 2009

Idaho Potato contracts up in the air

As Idaho potato farmers wrap up harvest, many are uncertain about french fry processing contracts for next year.A shake-up in Idaho fry contracts occurred last winter after Lamb Weston, a division of ConAgra, failed to follow through with a contract th...
 Potato chips from potatoes affected by the Zebra chips disease (ARS)
October 13, 2009

Liberibacter Species Bacterium Identified as Prime Suspect in Zebra Chip Disease

Since 2000, a mystery disease has struck some potato fields in Texas, Arizona, California, Nevada, and other western states, reducing tuber yields and quality.
October 05, 2009

XXIV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP)

Ya se encuentra disponible para su consulta la web del XXIV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP) a llevarse a cabo en Cuzco, Perú del 23 al 28 de mayo de 2010.
September 30, 2009

No Potato Cyst Nematodes detected in the first 28000 soil samples analyzed in Canada

This year, approximately 65,000 Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) soil samples will be collected and analysed as part of Canada's national PCN detection survey and to meet various countries' import requirements. So far, approximately 40,000 soil samples have ...
September 28, 2009

Potato genome sequenced

The Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium (PGSC), an international team of scientists has announced that it has released the first draft sequence of the potato genome. The PGSC started work on the project three years ago. The resulting 'blueprint' of how...
September 28, 2009

Grupo científico, que incluye investigadores de Argentina, anuncia borrador de la secuencia del genoma de la papa

Un grupo Internacional de científicos, que incluye a investigadores del INTA Balcarce, una experimental pionera en el estudio y mejoramiento de la papa, acaba de anunciar que ha hecho disponible el primer borrador de la secuencia del genoma de la papa.


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