News on The Potato Supply Chain from the Americas

April 09, 2012

Bolivia: INIAF alista cosecha de 1.555 variedades de papa

El Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agropecuaria y Forestal (INIAF) alista para el próximo 28 de abril la cosecha y evaluación de 1.555 variedades de papa, en el Centro de Referencia de Cultivos Alto Andinos de Toralapa-Cochabamba (Estación Experimental de Toralapa), según información divulgada en el portal de la entidad que depende del Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural.
April 09, 2012

Empresarios de EE.UU. buscan tecnología de punta en Balcarce

Empresarios vinculados a la comercialización de semilla de papa, especialidades y a la producción y multiplicación de papa de Estados Unidos visitaron la Unidad Integrada Balcarce interesados en conocer la tecnología de última generación que se aplica dentro del proyecto PROPAPA cuyo responsable es Marcelo Huarte.
April 09, 2012

Corn acres exceed potatoes in Idaho, but spuds still cash cow

Idaho may always be famous for its potatoes, never to be confused as a Corn Belt state. For the past two years, however, Gem State growers have planted more acres of corn than spuds. That trend will continue in 2012, unless potato growers increase planting from last year by more than 30,000 acres.
 Heather Moyse promoting PEI potatoes
April 04, 2012

Prince Edward Island Potato Board launches marketing campaign with Olympic gold medalist Heather Moyse

In effort to raise awareness of the health benefits of potatoes, showcase recipes and boost consumption of the vegetable, the Prince Edward Island Potato Board launched a marketing campaign anchored around PEI-native and Olympic gold medalist Heather M...
 Idaho potatoes heart check mark
April 01, 2012

Idaho Potato Commission renewed Heart Check mark contract

An official with the American Heart Association believes Idaho potato shippers aren't fully tapping the right to use his organization's iconic heart check mark. For a registration fee of $5,000 per variety, the Idaho Potato Commission renewed a 12-mon...
 Potatoes from Idaho
April 01, 2012

Idaho Potato Commission launches new website

Hungry for more information on how to perfect your potato dishes? Consider your cravings satisfied with the Idaho Potato Commission’s (IPC) new website Potato 101, an all-you-can-eat buffet of knowledge on America’s Favorite Vegetable. Contents inclu...
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April 01, 2012

Jailed Potato Farmer free and back in Canada

New Brunswick potato farmer Henk Tepper strode through the Ottawa International Airport on Saturday afternoon and into the arms of his wife and two daughters for the first time in more than a year. Tepper returned to Canada after being held in a Leban...
March 31, 2012

Panamá: Productores de semilla de papa aplican el sistema SAH

Con la implementación de la tecnología del Sistema Autotrófico Hidropónico (SAH), el cual puede lograr altas tasas de multiplicación en un tiempo más corto, la Asociación de Productores y Comercializadores de Semilla de Papa (Procosepa), del área de Ce...
 Henk Tepper
March 31, 2012

Potato Farmer Henk Tepper released from Lebanese jail

A Senator says New Brunswick farmer Henk Tepper has been released from a Lebanese jail after being held for a year on allegations he exported rotten potatoes to Algeria. Senator Pierrette Ringuette says in a statement that Tepper is expected to arrive...
Five Potato Varieties planted in White House Kitchen Garden
March 30, 2012

Five Potato Varieties planted in White House Kitchen Garden

First Lady Michelle Obama welcomed children from five schools across the country to join her yesterday for the fourth annual spring planting of the White House Kitchen Garden. During the day, the kids planted five varieties of seed potatoes: Sangre, Pu...
March 28, 2012

Curso teorico-practico sobre "Evaluacion de la tolerancia a factores abioticos" (Cuzco, Peru - 7-10 de mayo de 2012)

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) junto con otras instituciones esta organizando un curso teorico-practico sobre Evaluación de la tolerancia a factores abióticos que se dictara en Cuzco (Perú) desde el 7 al 10 de Mayo, y al Simposium sobre el m...
 Native potatoes
March 28, 2012

Investigación para evaluar el impacto de altas temperaturas sobre rendimiento, calidad y propiedades de papas nativas y comerciales

Evaluar el impacto de altas temperaturas sobre el rendimiento, calidad y propiedades saludables de papas nativas y comerciales, es uno de los focos centrales que guia el Fondecyt de iniciacion desarrollado por la
Dra. Carolina Lizana Campos de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la UACh.
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United States Potato Board Elects New Leadership
March 25, 2012

United States Potato Board Elects New Leadership

The United States Potato Board (USPB) grower membership elected new leadership during its Annual Meeting held in Colorado Springs, CO, March 15-16. The following sections list the leadership for the coming year. The USPB Executive Committee, front...
March 24, 2012

El Consorcio Tecnológico de la Papa de Ecuador lanza su sitio web

El Consorcio Tecnológico de la Papa de Ecuador (CTPE) fue creado para estimular, promover y coordinar con el proyecto producción de semillas de papa para la agroindustria, el desarrollo de las tecnologías de producción de papa, integrados en un consorc...
March 23, 2012

US: Sustainability metrics too tight for every farm

The measurement of sustainability from one farm to the next farm seems almost impossible based on a single set of metrics or a tightly written definition.
 Jerry Wright
March 23, 2012

US: Processing crop potatoes influencing fresh market

Jerry Wright, chief executive officer of the United Potato Growers of America, has a message to potato growers going into the 2012-13 season: Proceed with caution.
 Native Potatoes from peru
March 22, 2012

Se inician preparativos para IV Congreso Nacional de Papa en Andahuaylas

Andahuaylas será sede de la actividad agrícola más importante del año, el IV Congreso Nacional de la Papa, que se llevará a cabo entre el 8 y 11 de agosto del presente año.
 Zebrachip disease
March 22, 2012

US: Eye on psyllids

One year, it's the potato tuber worm;another year, it's the beet leafhopper.


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