Maureen Storey wants potato facts, not opinions
December 05, 2011

Maureen Storey wants potato facts, not opinions

Maureen Storey wants doctors, dieticians and nutritionists singing the praises of potatoes. Storey heads the Alliance for Potato Research and Education (APRE) that was formed about one year ago in the US to combat the decline in potato consumption.
December 04, 2011

Judge rules potato farmers aren't exempt from antitrust laws

Potato farmers are not exempt from antitrust laws that prohibit collusion, including "acreage reductions, production restrictions or collusive crop planning,"according to a federal judge. Chief U.S. District Judge Lynn Winmill in Idaho has r...
December 04, 2011

USPB Retail Marketing Program Receives Major Industry Award Eight Years Running

For the eighth year running, Progressive Grocer magazine, a nationally acclaimed grocery and supermarket trade publication, has recognized the United States Potato Board’s (USPB’s) Retail Marketing Program with a 2011 “Category Captain,” award in the F...
 NEPG North-western European Potato Growers
December 04, 2011

NEPG: 2012 Potato harvest largest of last 10 years

NEPG reports North-western Europe's highest potato production in the last 10 years. This season, the quality of the stored product is a challenge. The NEPG (Northwestern European Potato Growers) published the total harvest of five major potato produc...
 Idaho Potato Commission's Giant Russet
December 02, 2011

Idaho Potato Commission set to launch ambitious promotion

Possibly the largest potato promotion in history is set to begin Dec. 17, during the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl college football game at Boise State University stadium. The promotion will celebrate the inaugural year for the Idaho potato industry’s spon...
 Gary Linkletter
December 02, 2011

PEI Potato growers positive about prices

Growers at the P.E.I. Potato Board's annual meeting Friday December 2 said they are feeling optimistic about the prices they will get for their potatoes this year. The prices so far are reasonable, but not high yet, said Gary Linkletter, the board's c...
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 Jerry Wright
December 02, 2011

Jerry Wright returns to lead United Potato Growers of America

United Potato Growers of America (UPGA) today announced that Jerry Wright will return to lead the grower-based organization as president and chief executive officer of the national federated agricultural cooperative headquartered in Salt Lake City. Wri...
Potato chips marketing exposed
December 01, 2011

Potato chips marketing exposed

I just came across a very interesting piece of research, that was also very nicely described in a blog post by one of the authors. A must read for marketers of potato chips - especially if you want to sell your chips expensive...
November 30, 2011

2012: the next Year of the Potato

Restaurant Hospitality, a leading foodservice trade magazine reported on the top trends for 2012, according to hospitality and restaurant consultancy Andrew Freeman &Co.  These are the fifth annual choices for buzz-worthy trends in restaurants, spa...
November 30, 2011

PVMI board contributes $300,000 to potato breeding program

The PVMI Board has agreed to a $300,000 contribution to the Tri-State University Research and Breeding Program. The money comes from royalties collected this year. Combined with two returns of $100,000 each for the previous two years PVMI has generated...
Stanford University
November 30, 2011

Enticing words printed on bags of potato chips have a lot to say about social class, Stanford researchers find

Like politicians who adopt regional accents to appeal to local audiences, the manufacturers of potato chips vary the wording on their bags to convey their products' authenticity in different ways to different buyers. Stanford researchers have analyzed...
 Universidad de Stanford
November 30, 2011

Las palabras impresas en las bolsas de las papas fritas tienen mucho que decir acerca de la clase social, según investigadores de la Universidad de Stanford

Al igual que los políticos que adoptan acentos regionales para atraer al público local, los fabricantes de papas fritas varían la redacción de sus etiquetas para transmitir la autenticidad de sus productos. Un grupo de investigación de la Universidad...
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 USPB potato importers tour
November 28, 2011

US Potato Importers Tour Idaho Harvest, Attend USPB International Table-Stock Symposium, PMA Trade Show

Thirteen importers from Mexico, Vietnam, Indonesia and Taiwan spent two days touring the harvest and packing activities of five Idaho grower/shippers as part of the 2011 United States Potato Board (USPB) Table-Stock Reverse Trade Mission. These intern...
November 28, 2011

PEI Potato Board Annual General Meeting held December 2

The theme for the Prince Edward Island Potato Board's 2011 annual general meeting is "Connecting with the consumer". Scheduled for Dec. 2, 2011, all are invited to attend to understand the business of Prince Edward Island Potatoes. The one d...
Belgapom notering vast op EUR 20,00/ton
November 27, 2011

Belgapom notering vast op EUR 20,00/ton

De Belgapomprijs is de meest gehanteerde prijs, waargenomen op de vorige werkdag voor Bintje, voor verwerking tot diepgevroren aardappelproducten , veldgewas 35 mm+, frietgeschikt, af producent, los op wagen, voor onmiddellijke levering/ophaling. Vo...
 Potato Council
November 27, 2011

Passionate about Potatoes? Join Potato Council's Team of Ambassadors!

Two years on from launching the search for its first ever team of Potato Ambassadors, Potato Council is looking to recruit new growers to get involved in marketing activity and help spread the word that potatoes are healthy, tasty, versatile, easy-to-...
 LEI studie over de toekomst van de Nederlandse agrosector
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