News on Health and Nutrition

Americans tear up old eating habits, forcing farms to raze crops
July 20, 2020

Americans tear up old eating habits, forcing farms to raze crops

Americans have rapidly changed the ways they buy, cook and eat food in just four months, leaving everyone from farmers to restaurants unable to match their pivot.
The solutions provided by sorting technologies are more necessary now than ever before.
July 20, 2020

Tomra Food Reaches Out to Help Vegetable Processors During Covid-19 Crisis

TOMRA Food is reaching out to vegetable processors everywhere to help them tackle the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lamb Weston pulls back curtain with first-ever sustainability report
July 16, 2020

Lamb Weston pulls back curtain with first-ever sustainability report

The region’s largest potato processor sheds new light on french fry-making in its first-ever corporate sustainability report.
Tomra Food Publishes New E-Book For Potato Fresh Packers
July 15, 2020

Tomra Food Publishes New E-Book For Potato Fresh Packers

Free, downloadable publication by TOMRA Food for Potato Fresh Packers addresses challenges intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic.
NEPG: Slight rise in European potato acreage, uncertain outlook for markets
July 15, 2020

NEPG: Slight rise in European potato acreage, uncertain outlook for markets

The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates that the area for consumption potatoes in North-Western Europe increased with 0,5% compared with last year and is estimated at 621,148 hectares.
Avebe today announced the final campaign price of 76.50 euros per ton of potatoes to its members.
July 15, 2020

Starch Manufacturer Avebe will pay its members 76.50 euros per ton of potatoes

Dutch Potato Starch Manufacturer Avebe recently announced the final campaign price of 76.50 euros per ton of potatoes to its members.
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Patatas en la puerta del garaje
July 13, 2020

Patatas en la puerta del garaje

Un agricultor de Campanar despacha los productos de su huerta en plena ciudad ante la imposibilidad de colocarlos en el mercado por los bajos precios ofertados por los intermediarios.
 Almacenes Lázaro, S.L
July 13, 2020

El fabricante de patatas Lázaro busca un inversor para seguir creciendo

El mundo de la agricultura lleva meses en el radar de los inversores financieros, que han encontrado en esta industria un negocio relativamente anticíclico y que se comporta bien frente a determinadas crisis, como la del coronavirus.
Eduardo Arroyo, presidente asociación de productores de patata de Castilla y León
July 06, 2020

'Estamos ante una campaña muy complicada: tenemos patatas sin consumidores' Eduardo Arroyo, Asociación de Productores de Patata de Castilla y León

Ahora que ya se ve en el horizonte el inicio de la campaña de patata de Castilla y León, incluso en algunas zonas ya se han comenzado a 'quemar' las parcelas, parece el momento oportuno para analizar la situación del sector con Eduardo Arroyo, presidente de la asociación de productores en esta comunidad autónoma.
The FAO Food Price Index rebounds in June
July 05, 2020

The FAO Food Price Index rebounds in June

The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) averaged 93.2 points in June 2020, some 2.2 points (2.4 percent) higher than in May, representing the first month-on-month increase since the beginning of the year.
El secreto de la tortilla española de patatas y chorizo de Hacendado que se ha agotado en Mercadona
June 22, 2020

El secreto de la tortilla española de patatas y chorizo de Hacendado que se ha agotado en Mercadona

El presidente de Mercadona, Juan Roig, ya avanzó en la última presentación de resultados de la compañía el auge en sus linales de uno de los productos más tradicionales de la cocina española.
De dónde provienen las patatas de Mercadona en España
June 22, 2020

De dónde provienen las patatas de Mercadona en España

La patata es uno de los productos básicos que, tradicionalmente, no faltan en nuestra cesta de la compra. Además, durante el periodo de confinamiento, su consumo ha crecido un 5,5%.
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Under COVID, food systems in Latin America are looking inward for support
June 19, 2020

Under COVID, food systems in Latin America are looking inward for support

Scientists at the International Potato Center (CIP) are shifting their focus to the long-term effects of COVID-19 to anticipate and understand how food systems may be impacted in the coming years.
La Empresa Española Patatas Hijolusa fue capaz de doblar su Producción por el Confinamiento
June 15, 2020

La Empresa Española Patatas Hijolusa fue capaz de doblar su Producción por el Confinamiento

Nos es fácil para ninguna empresa multiplicar la capacidad de trabajo de la noche a la mañana. Mucho menos si se trata de una empresa alimentaria, que pone la calidad y el rigor por encima de otras prioridades.
España: Mercadona compra 2.400 toneladas de patatas de Balears para abastecer las tiendas
June 15, 2020

España: Mercadona compra 2.400 toneladas de patatas de Balears para abastecer las tiendas

Mercadona, compañía de supermercados físicos y de venta online, tiene previsto comprar 2.400 toneladas de patatas de Balears a los proveedores Illacamp, de Mallorca, y Mister Chippy, de Eivissa, a quienes adquirirá 2.000 y 400 toneladas de tubérculos, respectivamente.
European potato industry rejects Australian farmers' dumping fears
June 12, 2020

European potato industry rejects Australian farmers' dumping fears

European potato farmers and processors have pushed back against Australian claims they are about to dump subsidized frozen chips from a coronavirus-caused glut into the Antipodean market.
Potato sales at retail soar in the US
June 10, 2020

Potato sales at retail soar in the US

Retail potato sales soar, increasing 10.4% in dollar sales and 9.3% in volume sales between July 1, 2019, and May 19, 2020, according to IRI. All potato categories across the retail store, except deli-prepared sides, increased in dollar and volume sales, according to a report by Potatoes USA.
How lockdown has influenced the consumer landscape
June 09, 2020

How lockdown has influenced the consumer landscape

The consumer landscape has changed dramatically over the last two months since the introduction of the UK lockdown.


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