News on Food Trends

El secreto de la tortilla española de patatas y chorizo de Hacendado que se ha agotado en Mercadona
June 22, 2020

El secreto de la tortilla española de patatas y chorizo de Hacendado que se ha agotado en Mercadona

El presidente de Mercadona, Juan Roig, ya avanzó en la última presentación de resultados de la compañía el auge en sus linales de uno de los productos más tradicionales de la cocina española.
Andrés Araez, partner de la marca Española ‘Pijo’: 'Cada bolsa de patatas Pijo tiene una historia detrás'
June 22, 2020

Andrés Araez, partner de la marca Española ‘Pijo’: 'Cada bolsa de patatas Pijo tiene una historia detrás'

Andrés Araez: 'Cada bolsa de patatas 'Pijo' tiene una historia detrás'.
De dónde provienen las patatas de Mercadona en España
June 22, 2020

De dónde provienen las patatas de Mercadona en España

La patata es uno de los productos básicos que, tradicionalmente, no faltan en nuestra cesta de la compra. Además, durante el periodo de confinamiento, su consumo ha crecido un 5,5%.
Under COVID, food systems in Latin America are looking inward for support
June 19, 2020

Under COVID, food systems in Latin America are looking inward for support

Scientists at the International Potato Center (CIP) are shifting their focus to the long-term effects of COVID-19 to anticipate and understand how food systems may be impacted in the coming years.
La Empresa Española Patatas Hijolusa fue capaz de doblar su Producción por el Confinamiento
June 15, 2020

La Empresa Española Patatas Hijolusa fue capaz de doblar su Producción por el Confinamiento

Nos es fácil para ninguna empresa multiplicar la capacidad de trabajo de la noche a la mañana. Mucho menos si se trata de una empresa alimentaria, que pone la calidad y el rigor por encima de otras prioridades.
España: Mercadona compra 2.400 toneladas de patatas de Balears para abastecer las tiendas
June 15, 2020

España: Mercadona compra 2.400 toneladas de patatas de Balears para abastecer las tiendas

Mercadona, compañía de supermercados físicos y de venta online, tiene previsto comprar 2.400 toneladas de patatas de Balears a los proveedores Illacamp, de Mallorca, y Mister Chippy, de Eivissa, a quienes adquirirá 2.000 y 400 toneladas de tubérculos, respectivamente.
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European potato industry rejects Australian farmers' dumping fears
June 12, 2020

European potato industry rejects Australian farmers' dumping fears

European potato farmers and processors have pushed back against Australian claims they are about to dump subsidized frozen chips from a coronavirus-caused glut into the Antipodean market.
Potato sales at retail soar in the US
June 10, 2020

Potato sales at retail soar in the US

Retail potato sales soar, increasing 10.4% in dollar sales and 9.3% in volume sales between July 1, 2019, and May 19, 2020, according to IRI. All potato categories across the retail store, except deli-prepared sides, increased in dollar and volume sales, according to a report by Potatoes USA.
The World Potato Congress Inc. Announces Three New Directors to its Board
June 10, 2020

World Potato Congress Inc. appoints Three New Directors to its Board

Romain Cools, President, and CEO of the World Potato Congress Inc. (WPC) announces the appointment of three new Directors to its Board effective July 1, 2020: Dr. Nigel Crump, Australia, and Mrs. Elven Huang, China, both former WPC International Advisors, and Mr. Bret Nedrow, USA.
Utz Quality Foods to Combine with Collier Creek Holdings to Form Utz Brands, Inc.
June 09, 2020

Utz Quality Foods to Combine with Collier Creek Holdings to Form Utz Brands, Inc.

Transaction Introduces Utz as Publicly Listed Company After Nearly 100 Years as Family-Owned Business
How lockdown has influenced the consumer landscape
June 09, 2020

How lockdown has influenced the consumer landscape

The consumer landscape has changed dramatically over the last two months since the introduction of the UK lockdown.
PepsiCo appoints new CEO for Asia Pacific, Australia, New Zealand, and China
June 09, 2020

PepsiCo appoints new CEO for Asia Pacific, Australia, New Zealand, and China

PepsiCo has announced that Wern-Yuen Tan has been appointed CEO of Asia Pacific, Australia, New Zealand, and China (APAC), overseeing all of PepsiCo’s operations in the region.
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Potato Europe 2020 cancelled
June 08, 2020

Potato Europe 2020 cancelled

Uncertainties surrounding the exceptional health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic force us to cancel Potato Europe 2020 in order to protect the event's visitors and exhibitors. The next edition of Potato Europe cycle will take place in September 2021 in the Netherlands.
The FAO Food Price Index drops to a seventeen-month low
June 05, 2020

The FAO Food Price Index drops to a seventeen-month low

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 162.5 points in May 2020, down 3.1 points (1.9 percent) from April and reaching the lowest monthly average since December 2018.
Malta's potato exports dry up
June 02, 2020

Malta's potato exports dry up

Potato farmers are in 'utter despair' after learning they will not be able to export their crops this year because of the coronavirus outbreak.
Sormac Inc. US website launch
June 02, 2020

Sormac Inc. US website launch

Sormac launches a new website for the American market. As of today, people from the United States can use the website for all the information they need and for questions, service requests, and contacts.
Patatas Meléndez aumenta un 25% su plantilla en plena crisis sanitaria del Covid-19 y continúa incorporando nuevo talento
June 01, 2020

Patatas Meléndez aumenta un 25% su plantilla en plena crisis sanitaria del Covid-19 y continúa incorporando nuevo talento

Patatas Meléndez ha ampliado su equipo de trabajo incorporando a 91 personas más a su plantilla, lo que supone un aumento del 25%. Garantía de abastecimiento y atención a la demanda han sido los objetivos de la compañía en estas semanas de crisis sanitaria.
Patatas Meléndez arranca una nueva campaña de recogida de patata
June 01, 2020

Patatas Meléndez arranca una nueva campaña de recogida de patata marcada por la lluvia y el agua

'Llevamos varias semanas ofreciendo ya al consumidor patata nacional de esta campaña, hemos sido la primera empresa en dar ese paso' Juan Manuel Coello, Patatas Meléndez


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