News on Food Trends from Belgium

 Potato Council
October 21, 2010

Euro-Potato: Status of the main potato harvest across Northern Europe

The pattern for the 2010/2011 potato season in Northern Europe is now emerging. Harvest has been progressing steadily, following a slow start at the beginning of the month due to rain.
 Andalusian Early Potato
September 26, 2010

European early potato producers set up working group with Europatat

Representatives of early potato producers from different European areas, among which is Andalusia, will constitute a working group within Europatat, the European Association for potato trade, in order to defend and promote the early potato sector on a...
September 10, 2010

Chris Verschueren sets world record french fries cooking

Belgian Chris Verschueren, a 53-year-old French fries maker, from the Belgian village of Kastel, has spent 83 consecutive hours frying chips (french Fries) and serving 15,000 portions of the dish - setting the new world record for the Longest french fries cooking marathon.
 Interpom | Primeurs 2010
September 09, 2010

INTERPOM | PRIMEURS 2010 op weg naar een recordeditie!

De Europese vakbeurs voor de AGF-sector INTERPOM | PRIMEURS vindt plaats op 28, 29 en 30 november 2010 in Kortrijk Xpo, België.
September 09, 2010

Fedagrim invites you to PotatoEurope 2011 in Belgium

PotatoEurope is an exhibition which proceeds in an annual way and internationally as it is organized in turn in Germany, in Belgium, in France and in the Netherlands.
September 05, 2010

Belg wil wereldrecord frieten bakken verbeteren

Chris Verschueren (52) uit Moerzeke-Kastel (Belgie)doet op vrijdag 3 september vanaf 11 uur een poging om het wereldrecord frieten bakken te verbeteren.
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August 09, 2010

Distributie verse friet van Aviko met Euro Pool klapkratten

Als wereldspeler in aardappelverwerking heeft Aviko duurzaamheid hoog op de agenda staan. Dat vertaalt zich logistiek gezien in een toenemend gebruik van meermalige verpakkingen. Aviko is voor het transport van verse friet deels overgestapt op klapkrat...
 Potato Council
August 05, 2010

Euro-Potato: Uncertainty remains regarding output and quality of this season’s EU 5 crop

EU 5 total ware potato area still remains uncertain. Although provisional estimates predict little overall change from 2009, there is a feeling that the Belgian area may be considerably more than anticipated.
 European Snacks Association (ESA)
July 29, 2010

European Snacks Association (ESA) recommends 30g portion size for snacks

The European Snacks Association (ESA) recommends a portion of 30g for savoury snacks and Nuts.This portion recommendation for savoury snacks was agreed in close cooperation with CIAA.In defining portions for snacks and for nuts, ESA aims to ensure that...
July 22, 2010

Nieuwe VLAM-campagnes kunnen rekenen op EU-steun

Het Vlaams Centrum voor Agro- en Visserijmarketing (VLAM) mag rekenen op 2,74 miljoen euro Europese subsidies voor drie nieuwe promotiecampagnes. De vleessectoren bundelen vanaf half oktober hun krachten om de verschillende kwaliteitslabels te promoten...
Prijs vroege aardappelen verdubbelt
July 17, 2010

Prijs vroege aardappelen verdubbelt

De nieuwe patatjes worden duur. Op de veiling worden voor machinegerooide vroege aardappelen nu prijzen betaald van 19,50 euro tot 23 euro plus btw voor 100 kg. Vorig jaar ging hetzelfde pakket nog van de hand voor 9 euro. Door het koude voorjaar en de...
July 12, 2010

EU funding to support potato marketing in UK, France and Belgium

The promotion of fresh potatoes in the UK is to be boosted by additional funding from the European Union.   This follows an application for co-financing of a European programme for the promotion of fresh potatoes, made jointly by the UK, France and Bel...
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July 10, 2010

Belgische frituur serveert oranje friet

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July 10, 2010

Belgische aardappeltelers vrezen doorwas en lage opbrengst

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June 30, 2010

Belgapom kiest een nieuw bestuur;Antoon Wallays herverkozen als voorzitter

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June 27, 2010

Europarlement stemt tegen "stoplicht"

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June 06, 2010

Snack producers get support for call for voluntary country of origin labelling

Country of origin labelling (COOL) should be not be mandatory for snacks and other foods, as the financial burdens would outweigh any benefits, claims a leading Spanish politician.Spanish MEP Pilar Ayuso was speaking at a European Snacks Association (E...
June 06, 2010

European Snacks Association position paper on mandatory Country of Origin labelling (COOL)

The European Snacks Association (ESA) is concerned that the recent calls for mandatory country of origin labelling fail to acknowledge the complex supply chains involved in the production of processed foods such as savoury snacks.Any move to enforce ma...


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