Energy and Environment

June 06, 2008

Aardappelschillen maken stroom

De groep Machiels is vrijdag gestart met de recyclage van aardappelresten van Farm Frites. 120.000 ton aardappelschillen zullen jaarlijks omgezet worden in groene stroom, biomeststof en zuiver water. Het energieproject BioEnergy heeft 15 miljoen euro g...
May 26, 2008

Milieubelasting van grote aardappeltelers relatief minder dan kleine telers

Grotere aardappeltelers gebruikten in de periode 2004 tot en met 2006 meer fungiciden bij de gewasbescherming, maar de kosten en de milieubelasting zijn lager. Dat schrijft het Productschap Akkerbouw in de uitgave Phytophthora info. Het hogere verbruik...
May 23, 2008

UK: McDonald's waste reduction pilot is a success

McDonald’s plans to roll out its waste reduction pilot and has called the scheme a success. Waste from 11 restaurants which took part in the scheme in Sheffield was collected and recycled to produce electricity for use in local buildings. The Carbon Tr...
May 22, 2008

Proef met koelvervoer per schip

Bij wijze van proef vaart twee keer per week een binnenvaartschip met vriescontainers van Bergen op Zoom naar Rotterdam. Het zijn containers met aardappelproducten van Lamb Weston Meijer in Kruiningen. Doel van de proef is het vrachtverkeer over de weg...
April 29, 2008

TESCO launched a labelling system showing the carbon footprint of grocery items.

The labels will allow shoppers to compare the goods' green count in the same way that they can already compare prices and calorie content.The information will initially appear on 20 items across ranges of Tesco own-brand light bulbs, potatoes, orange ...
April 18, 2008

UK McDonald's turn trash into energy

Eleven McDonald's restaurants in the Sheffield area have completed a test programme turning waste into energy, and found it has helped reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. During the pilot period, the restaurants collected their waste to be inciner...
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March 28, 2008

Never mind Climate Change;It's the Coming Food Crisis says Chief UK Advisor

The newly appointed UK Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser and Head of the Government Office for Science presented a scenario that would overshadow “climate change.” He talked of an impending “food crisis” that would need pragmatic, scientific, and ...
March 18, 2008

Sustainability, Eco-Efficiency, Traceability initiative BASF helps ensure food safety, measure sustainability

BASF has developed a tool for its customers in the food industry which affords detailed information on the composition of products and manufacturing methods, including levels of sustainability achieved in production. The SET data is available to custom...
March 14, 2008

Consumers would spend more on greener goods - survey

European consumers will generally consider paying more for environmentally friendly manufactured products, though encouragement may be needed to make good on their promises, according to a new survey. The findings, by research group Eurobarometer, sug...
March 09, 2008

Top firms discover the need to reduce carbon emissions extends through every link in the supply chain.

Once upon a time, businesses' supply chains were a quiet backwater of commercial life. This is no longer the case. Over the past few decades, supply chains have been transformed by enterprise resource planning and specialist supply-chain software. Now...
 Carbon Trust label
March 04, 2008

The Carbon Trust’s Euan Murray says that carbon labelling is proving a success

The aim in developing the carbon reduction label has always been two-fold. The first is to encourage businesses to measure, and then reduce, the carbon footprint of their products. All the partners who adopt the Carbon Trust label commit to a “reduce...
February 20, 2008

UK Snack firms focus on Food Miles

Snack manufacturers Boots and Walkers are now focusing on locally sourced ingredients for certain product ranges, as scrutiny intensifies over food miles and their effect on the environment.Most companies are now aware that consumers are increasingly w...
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February 13, 2008

Unizo lauwert Remo-frit als Kyoto-ambassadeur

Aardappelverwerker Remo-frit uit Verrebroek mag zich voortaan ambassadeur noemen van de 'kmo voor Kyoto '- actie, die in het leven geroepen is door Unizo. Remo-frit bewijst dat investeringen om energiezuiniger te werken geen weggegooid geld zijn.   Rem...
February 01, 2008

Tent pegs from potato starch mandatory at UK festival

The Glastonbury music festival will tell campers to use tent pegs made out of potatoes at this summer's event.Metal pegs that are left behind can harm the cows that live on Worthy Farm, Somerset, where the festival is held. Organiser Michael Eavis will...
January 30, 2008

French retailers back eco-friendly and organic products

France's leading retailers yesterday pledged to reduce their impact on the environment under an ambitious plan backed by the government. The Fédération des Entreprises du Commerce et de la Distribution (FECD), which represents 93 per cent of the count...
 Windturbine near Whittlesey McCain French fry factory
January 25, 2008

Windturbines for McCain's Whittlesey french fry factory now installed

McCain has now installed the three windturbines near their Whittlesey french fry factory in the United Kingdom. These 80 meter high windturbines will reduce the electricity bill of the Whittlesey french fry factory with 45%, while at off-peak times an...
January 25, 2008

EU: 1 % of the acreage for potatoes is organic

In the 27 countries of the EU, 23,000 hectares were used for growing potatoes according to organic standards in 2006. This is equivalent to 1 % of the total area for potato growing in Europe. The most important countries were Germany with 7,500 hectare...
January 16, 2008

McCain Foods Great Britain Selects Eco-Tec For Biogas Purification

Eco-Tec is proud to announce that it has recently been awarded the contract for biogas purification by McCain Foods (GB) Ltd., England. As a socially responsible company and a highly trusted brand, McCain Foods practices sustainable agriculture and is ...


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