News on Potato Varieties and Seed

Ante la creciente escasez de suministro de semillas, la cooperativa UDAPA tiene previsto impulsar su línea de producción propia de patata de siembra certificada que lleva dando servicio a sus socios 16 años.
May 13, 2024

España: crecimiento en la producción demanda nuevos esquemas de suministro de semilla

La cantidad de hectáreas de producción en España deberá duplicarse en el futuro cercano, realidad que parece incompatible con los problemas de suministro de semilla.
Seeds of Transformation: Empowering Rwanda's Farmers through Innovative Potato Varieties and Sustainable Agricultural Practices
May 13, 2024

Cultivating Innovation: Transforming Rwanda’s potato industry with new varieties

The lack of quality seed for improved varieties has been attributed to the limited capacity of seed multipliers to produce enough to meet farmer’s demands.
Royal HZPC group building
May 07, 2024

Potato breeding company Royal HZPC Group expects similar financial result for the current year

Potato breeding company Royal HZPC Group expects to achieve a similar result for the financial year 2023 / 2024 (July - June) as in the previous financial year. With an expected increase in financial turnover of 4%.
Europa: producción de semilla en el norte se ve comprometida
May 06, 2024

Europa: producción de semilla en el norte se ve comprometida

Las restricciones al uso de fertilizantes dificultan la producción de semilla, haciendo a la incertidumbre europea con respecto al suministro.
Egyptian Potato Fields: Thriving Despite Global Challenges
May 03, 2024

Egyptian potato exports to Asia immune to red sea crisis

The outbreak of the Red Sea crisis has taken its toll on many Egyptian export campaigns - citrus fruits being the first casualty - but it seems that the potato export campaign is holding up well. 
Europa: discusión sobre el libre tránsito de patatas de siembra
April 24, 2024

Europa: discusión sobre el libre tránsito de patatas de siembra

Dentro de la Unión Europea se discute la liberalización del producto. Posiciones encontradas alertan sobre los riesgos fitosanitarios.
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España: Fiesta de la Patata Nueva, 27 de abril en La Rinconada
April 24, 2024

España: Fiesta de la Patata Nueva, 27 de abril en La Rinconada

Se celebrara por décimo año consecutivo un gran evento para promocionar el tan importante cultivo para la región.
RPE exhibits for the first time at CPMA
April 23, 2024

Potato company RPE exhibits for the first time at CPMA in Canada

North American potato industry leader RPE LLC., a reliable year-round supplier of russet, red and yellow commodity and baby potatoes, will be a proud first-time exhibitor April 23-25 at CPMA in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Unveiling the Future of Potatoes and Sweet potatoes: How You Can Shape Breeding Decisions
April 22, 2024

Help shape the Future of Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes: CIP wants your input on breeding decisions

Are you ready to be a part of something groundbreaking? The future of potato and sweet potato breeding is in your hands, and your expertise can make all the difference.
Roasted baby potatoes
April 21, 2024

Turn up the heat this summer with unique potato offerings

From backyard BBQs to campfire cook outs, potatoes should be the MVP of summer time outdoor cooking adventures. They are versatile, delicious, easy to prepare, and the perfect complement to any summer dish.
Elders Ltd announced as a Platinum Sponsor for the 12th World Potato Congress in Adelaide
April 18, 2024

Elders Ltd announced as a Platinum Sponsor for the 12th World Potato Congress in Adelaide

Agricultural services company Elders Ltd has proudly announced its partnership as the major sponsor for the upcoming World Potato Congress, scheduled to be held from June 23rd to June 26th, 2024, in Adelaide, Australia.
España: producción temprana en el norte, demorada
April 18, 2024

España: producción temprana en el norte, demorada

En Galicia, España, las dificultades para con el cultivo temprano se mantienen firmes y los productores se preocupan por el futuro.
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Jeroen Bakker and Engel Louwes: looking for Innovative strategies for Potato Farming in India

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Celebrating One Year of Growth and Innovation: The Journey of Patatas Meléndez S.L.
April 02, 2024

Celebrating One Year of Growth and Innovation: The Journey of Patatas Meléndez S.L.

Spanish potato company Patatas Meléndez S.L. celebrates one year since the inauguration of its new factory. A milestone that not only represents growth and progress, but is also filled with effort, dedication, and, above all, a lot of learning.


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