Unveiling the Future of Potatoes and Sweet potatoes: How You Can Shape Breeding Decisions
四月 22, 2024

Help shape the Future of Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes: CIP wants your input on breeding decisions

Are you ready to be a part of something groundbreaking? The future of potato and sweet potato breeding is in your hands, and your expertise can make all the difference.
Roasted baby potatoes
四月 21, 2024

Turn up the heat this summer with unique potato offerings

From backyard BBQs to campfire cook outs, potatoes should be the MVP of summer time outdoor cooking adventures. They are versatile, delicious, easy to prepare, and the perfect complement to any summer dish.
Elders Ltd announced as a Platinum Sponsor for the 12th World Potato Congress in Adelaide
四月 18, 2024

Elders Ltd announced as a Platinum Sponsor for the 12th World Potato Congress in Adelaide

Agricultural services company Elders Ltd has proudly announced its partnership as the major sponsor for the upcoming World Potato Congress, scheduled to be held from June 23rd to June 26th, 2024, in Adelaide, Australia.
España: producción temprana en el norte, demorada
四月 18, 2024

España: producción temprana en el norte, demorada

En Galicia, España, las dificultades para con el cultivo temprano se mantienen firmes y los productores se preocupan por el futuro.
Europatat and other Stakeholders raise concerns over proposed plant reproductive material amendments
四月 17, 2024

Europatat and other Stakeholders raise concerns over proposed plant reproductive material amendments

Europatat is raising concerns about the draft report on Plant Reproductive Material (PRM) which is set for a vote in the European Parliament’s Plenary during the week of 22 April.
Huánuco: dos empresas logran vender en forma directa 180 tons de papas nativas
四月 16, 2024

Perú: papa nativa directo del campo a la industria

Organizaciones de productores logran vender, sin intermediarios, variedades nativas a planta procesadora de snacks.
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Cosecha de papa en el norte de Sinaloa
四月 16, 2024

México: se redoblan los esfuerzos en Sinaloa por ser los numero uno

Sinaloa en México se posiciona como la región productora por excelencia en México y apuesta a la tecnificación y el mejoramiento.
Colombia: alerta fitosanitaria por polilla guatemalteca
四月 09, 2024

Colombia: alerta fitosanitaria por polilla guatemalteca

El Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA) dio la alerta por la plaga que puede comprometer seriamente los cultivos de la regiones más céntricas del país.
Jeroen Bakker and Engel Louwes: Accelerating India's Agricultural Flywheel with Innovative Potato Farming Strategies
四月 08, 2024

Jeroen Bakker and Engel Louwes: looking for Innovative strategies for Potato Farming in India

One of them is in the middle of his career. The other is already retired. Both are embarking on a new adventure. In a country that is a feast for the eyes, but where they are even more impressed by the openness of the people.
Celebrating One Year of Growth and Innovation: The Journey of Patatas Meléndez S.L.
四月 02, 2024

Celebrating One Year of Growth and Innovation: The Journey of Patatas Meléndez S.L.

Spanish potato company Patatas Meléndez S.L. celebrates one year since the inauguration of its new factory. A milestone that not only represents growth and progress, but is also filled with effort, dedication, and, above all, a lot of learning.
Chile: producción de papa en la región más austral de América. (Cortesía: Portal Agro Chile)
四月 02, 2024

Chile: producción de papa en la región más austral de América

Aumenta la producción en la región de Magallanes con resultados notables en rendimiento y seguridad alimentaria para la población local.
Global Potato Shortage Looms as India's Export Soars Amidst Crop Challenges
四月 02, 2024

Potato Export from India Soars despite Crop Challenges due to tight supplies globally

In a surprising turn of events, the export of potato varieties for processing from India has skyrocketed in January 2024, surging approximately sevenfold.
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España: comienza la siembra generalizada

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Solynta rebrands to 'true potato seed' company
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Solynta rebrands to 'true potato seed' company

Solynta, the Dutch company that specializes in the development, production and sales of hybrid true potato seed has announced that it will adjust its branding to 'Solynta – true potato seed'.
España: subvención para la investigación y promoción del cultivo de patatas
三月 18, 2024

España: subvención para la investigación y promoción del cultivo de patatas

En España se aprobó una subvención de 80.000 euros para la investigación y la promoción del cultivo de patatas. Una apuesta gubernamental a uno de los cultivos que más ha visto crecer sus exportaciones en los últimos tiempos.
Lynette Dinga (WFP Nutritionist), Chalmers Mulwa (CIP Scientist), Simon Heck (CIP DG), Lauren Landis (WFP Country Director Kenya), George Njoroge (WFP Head of FtMA), Robert Ackatia-Armah (WFP Head of Programme Support)
三月 16, 2024

Empowering Nutrition, Building Resilience: World Food Programme and International Potato Center Join Forces

To combat hunger and malnutrition, the World Food Program (WFP) and the International Potato Center (CIP) have extended their partnership for a further four years with a new memorandum of understanding (MOU)
Strong increase in HZPC grower price
三月 16, 2024

Strong increase in HZPC seed potato price

The forecasted price for seed potato growers of HZPC Holland for the 2023 harvest is EUR 50.70 (USD 50.20) per 100 kilos. This price is more than 35% higher than the price of the 2022 harvest.


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